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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Likewise. Damn near cut my feet up walking around barefoot on the hard brown crunch that is my lawn yesterday. Really hoping for some rain to materialize this week.
  2. Well I officially started AC season today, switched over the return vents, put in a fresh filter and boom, we are off an running. Topped out at 88. Keep it down with all that DeSantis talk, you'll get me all excited over here haha. My man-crush on that guy grows more and more everyday. Best governor in America for my money, always seems to be a step ahead. Now, about all that rain, where can we find some?
  3. Another whopping .01" for me yesterday, bringing me to a total of .05" since May 8th and .76" for the entire month. Hot and dry looks to be the name of the game for a while, will be pulling for some rain somewhere along the line. Getting my first round of golf in for the year tomorrow. Onward....
  4. Per the PA DOH Covid Vaccine Dashboard, Philly has the lowest vaccination rate in the state at at just under 3k per 100k, whereas right next door Montgomery and Chester Counties have the highest rates at ~27k per 100k. Statewide, we have almost 5.5 million vaccinated out of a population of 13 million but the daily rate is dropping sharply. More people have died in PA over the age of 100 (like .01% of population) than under the age of 46 (well over half the population), which illustrates just how wildly covid skews towards the extreme elderly. I know this is not breaking news, just striking to see some of the stats laid out. Anywho, cases are dropping like a rock and daily deaths are miniscule. I believe same-day vaccination appointments are available for anyone who wants one. In my mind, all mitigation measures should be lifted. All of them. Sorry to go on, I just love numbers ha. Now off to pickleball, toodles gents.
  5. No but I know quite a few who do. However, I know absolutely nothing about them, so not sure why I responded at all. I'll see myself out.
  6. haha great point, and you will wear your mask forever, ya hear? Forever! Follow the science, don't question anything! But seriously, I love it when I hear these grand proclamations that you no longer have to wear masks outside or whatnot, and my wife and I just look at each other like "Uuuuuhhhh we've never worn masks outside but hey thanks!" So much theater of the absurd happening but on we go in the simulation haha, now back to weather.......
  7. Yeah it certainly looks to be on the dry side for the foreseeable future. Brown crunchy yards cometh early this year perhaps? Ugh.
  8. Bottomed out at 38 here last night. Just a beautiful stretch of weather incoming.
  9. Glad I could be the spark to light that fire haha. I was going to ask you what those other columns were but now I see that must just be how it copied and pasted from the records table and those are the records for the same dates for Jan Feb Mar and Apr as well. Good stuff but yeah doesn't look like anything is too likely except perhaps an outside chance at the two you pointed out. I do see that the record high for Harrisburg for today is 95 from 1963, something tells me we're going to fall just shy of that one.
  10. I only got .03" yesterday and .26" cumulative for the last three days, meh. Did hear some reports of sleet around us on Saturday though. Looks like a chilly but mostly pleasant week ahead before some more prolonged warmth tries to build in starting this weekend. Onward....
  11. Looks like a little under 1/4" for me but official measurement will be tomorrow morning. Beautiful windows open type afternoon. The line of storms associated with that cold front dropping southeast seems to want to bring us some action down here but hard to tell whether it's strengthening or weakening ha.
  12. A big .26" here, you may win the snow battle but I'll take the rain title haha
  13. LNS just recorded a gust of 52 but had a period of 44 sustained prior to that, which is mighty impressive. Don't think that Harrisburg gust of 62 will get topped, as the peak seems to have passed here. I'd call this a five-club golf wind, or perhaps just unplayable ha.
  14. Echoing what others have said, I also got .08" of rain yesterday and am not looking forward to these 50+ gusts later this afternoon/evening.
  15. Yeah really, it can quit anytime now. Not looking forward to tomorrow, got to bring in some stuff ugh.
  16. That will be awesome, enjoy the sights! It's amazing how far away everything is in Alaska once you get out of Anchorage proper, "Hey we're going to go to the next town over" is an all-day affair haha..... I love the small touristy town of Talkeetna and the views of Denali from there along the Sustina River, just breathtaking. Yes places like Seward are truly one of a kind! I loved the village of Whitter, you have to drive through an old one lane train tunnel carved out of rock (traffic is stopped for hours on each side of the tunnel and has set times of day you can go through) and when you come out on the other side you are greeted by this tiny boating town nestled along Caribbean-like blue waters with glaciers surrounding you, in the middle of summer, surreal.
  17. That should be an awesome trip for you. I went to Alaska for the first time a couple years ago (over July 4th) and happened to be there to witness weather history -- that being the first time in history Anchorage hit 90 degrees. Still got to frolic in some snow on the mountain tops though. It never stops getting weird when you leave the bar after midnight and it's full light out. What a place, everyone should visit once. I've never seen beauty like it anywhere else I've traveled, not even a close second really.
  18. I'm at 87 here in the lowlands, was not quite expecting that but I'm always one of the warmer locations around during this type of weather.
  19. I only got .39” last night. Should be another nice spring day, albeit a bit breezy. Yesterday was perfect, wife and I took the baby to the winery, couldn’t have been a nicer day.
  20. Believe it or not Twitter, and they responded very quickly.
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