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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Yes they're a great spot, always a great day to be in Happy Valley!
  2. Otto's out on the west end of Atherton St. is a great spot. Happy Valley Brewing is a hotspot and much closer to Mountain View but I believe they had a fire recently?? Not sure of their status. Liberty Crafthouse downtown is a trendy little spot. Oh, I also like American Ale House up in the woods in Toftrees, cool spot. Good luck! Edit: Just realized I used the word "spot" way too much. I'll be better.
  3. I was completely surrounded by slow-moving storms for most of the evening and couldn't score anything. Well, I should clarify, measured .01" and that is being generous. Not optimistic about today's chances for the eastern LSV either.
  4. Agreed, and the GFS has always been notorious for overdoing the light precipitation, was one of its known biases for many years. But you're right some of the high-res models should be better. Who knows though. I mean, think about one of those random days where no precipitation is in the forecast but come mid-afternoon the radar shows a couple kernels of popcorn, driven by some uneven heating of surfaces due to pockets of sunshine and perhaps enhanced by some terrain elements, how the heck do we ever get to a place where those are predicted with any type of accuracy? Hard to envision.
  5. Thank you kind sir, and I'm not entirely sure how they parse their gridded forecasts. Perhaps others would know?
  6. Yep, it's a tale as old as time, models just don't have the resolution or competency to handle the finer details and miniscule size of convective activity. I'm sure we'll get better over time but don't know that we'll ever be fully there, just too much randomness and unpredictability with convection, particularly isolated diurnally-sun-driven pop-up storms.
  7. I have always taken the POPs to mean the probability of seeing measurable precipitation at any given location within the forecast area, over the forecasted time period. Likewise, I believe you can interpret this to mean that roughly the same percentage of total surface area within the forecast zone will see measurable precipitation, over the forecasted time period.
  8. You aint kiddin. Since Bubbler called me out earlier on a typo I'll have to do the same to you, believe you meant Ellicott City Looks like some of the Mesos are pretty insistent on bringing a nice line of storms in from the north later this evening, something to keep an eye on.
  9. The hot spot yesterday was central Chester County. The area between Coatesville and Downingtown really took it on the chin, with a number of reports >5". Saw some intervals where 1/2" fell in 5 minutes, that's about as heavy as it gets around these parts.
  10. uuuuuuhhhhhh what is happening in this thread?? haha
  11. You should have seen it! Barns floating by me.....actually measured 9” in one ten minute period. ‘Twas wild! But yes you got me haha, fixed the post
  12. I caught the edge of a storm earlier that formed right over me, dropped a quick .14”. A buddy only a half mile away got nary a drop. Also no cicadas anywhere in this part of Lancaster County that I’ve noticed, not yet anyway.
  13. Don’t you dare assume that I am not interested in whatever banal data you throw forth haha.
  14. A nice .15" from a quick T'shower. I aint complainin.
  15. Highest total I could find for yesterday was 3.19" at a station in Willow Street. Another one just to the west near Conestoga recorded 3.14". Random fact of the day, when it comes to official reporting at ASOS sites, Meadville and Lancaster both recorded exactly .69" yesterday, with NE Philadelphia almost joining the party at .68". This probably interests only me ha, carry on....
  16. Ah yes, the 'ol Maytown Island, as some in the realty business refer to it. My wife and I are house shopping (awful in this market I know) and have had our eye on a couple places near Maytown. Love the area and grew up going to Donegal until 5th grade but man it's just removed enough to be inconvenient getting to places. A real lack of restaurants, bars, grocery stores, etc. I know people in Marietta have the same issue with where to shop. With that said, we are strongly considering it. Would be curious to hear your pros and cons.
  17. .22" final tally here. Not overly optimistic about today's chances either.
  18. Yep. Found some stations pushing 3” around Willow Street.
  19. Seriously. Was at my dad’s in Mountville where they got pounded and just a few miles away over the ridge I only have .15”. Skimmed yet again. We’ll see if nightfall brings any added bonus rains.
  20. 3-day total of 1.42” for me here in beautiful West Hempfield Township. Just trimmed some shrubbery on this glorious day, now about to have some peeps over for some grilling and boozing. Cheers to all and god bless those who have served and given the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation. Happy Memorial Day!
  21. 1.12” so far for me and sitting at 48. I always find it funny how different people are in their household temp preferences. To some it would seem crazy to think about turning the heat on if you’re sitting at 70 and others have no problem at all with the house being 60. Vice versa there are some who would never consider touching the AC until the house reaches 80. Me? Im good with anything in that general 65-75 range but outside of that the HVAC is getting tuned up. To each his own!
  22. Well it doesnt look like the midnight temps are gonna get in the way of any record breaking for tomorrow. Min max record looks to get smashed, perhaps sunday as well. Unreal. What a dreary shitty Memorial Day weekend. But one for the ages.
  23. I always had the same issue with mine so I just took down the anemometer piece. My buddy just installed a new weather station on his roof that is very accurate in all respects from what I can gather thus far. He should be able to get some good wind readings up there, you can view it here: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KPAMOUNT181
  24. Very true, initially I wasn't very bullish on any records falling but I've got to say we have a real shot, particularly eyeing up that min max record for Saturday.
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