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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Should be perfect for you down there, enjoy! I'm off to the pool this afternoon, not as good as the beach but I'll take it.
  2. Well sure enough, after some investigative work it appears the Mulberry tree nearest my house took a direct lightning strike. I can see the fresh black scorch marks about halfway up and on the ground below are some decent sized freshly fallen limbs. This is only 40' from the back of my house. Also, my one GFI circuit tripped (apologies if I've said this wrong as I'm the furthest thing from an electrician ha). I'm tellin ya, that strike had me jumpin out of ma' underpants whilst sittin on the couch in ma' livin room. I ended up with .84" but some friends just to the east near the Lititz area got double that and report quite a few ruined mulch beds and a number of downed limbs. All in all, a crazy little evening. Let's see what the next couple of days bring, outside of oppressive heat.
  3. Wow for once I outdid you, and by more than a little. Looks like about .85” in the gauge and a rainbow to the east to boot. Lord knows I was due. I’ll scope out the scene for a lightning strike tomorrow, still an ominous look out there.
  4. Holy hell did it ever! What a T&L show! Swear I just had a lightning strike right in my backyard, instantaneous thunder and the loudest I have ever heard. Could hear it singeing the air from inside the house. Not making it any easier to put the baby down though. I’ll go out and get a measurement in a few but a bit tepid right now haha. Lightning nearby has continued long after rains blew by.
  5. That seems aggressive but what do I know. I guess we have a decent shot this evening but 80%? meh. I'm currently at 95/70
  6. Yeah we had nice views of the storm from our walk up on the hill last night. Found this from a guy on Cocorahs in Manchester, York Co...... High Accumulation for this area due to a small, concentrated storm that stalled overhead for appx 1 hour. Rainfall rate exceeded 4" per hour at times. Local retention pond filled rapidly. UPDATE: TOTAL RAINFALL IN ONE (1) HOUR FROM 600PM THRU 659PM WAS 1.72 ". (PREVIOUS INFO: Rain fell at over 4" per hour, now at moderate rate but still falling moderate to heavy at times. Retention pond filling rapidly. Rain Still accumulating.)
  7. I hit 92 today but only 89 yesterday. Did you happen to see that storm earlier this evening right across the river from us that completely stalled out? Seems to have dropped a couple inches over a very narrow area.
  8. Seems like a pretty consistent daily forecast upcoming, that being 90 degree days with a mix of sun and clouds with high humidity and a slight chance of storms. Otherwise known as late summer. #DogDays
  9. Indeed I am, sitting low down here. On clear calm nights I will often bottom out at least 3-5 degrees lower than places near the top of the ridge just south of me, and that's off of only like a 200-300' difference in elevation. Snow-packed winter nights can bring about even more extreme differences. I was actually going to call you out on your MDT claim the other day haha. I check it every day and it's not unusual at all for MDT's low to be at least a few degrees warmer than everyone else. I'm talking all the official reporting stations too (not just our home weenie stations), where MDT will routinely have the highest overnight low in the state, often even warmer than the two Philly stations. Looks like I topped out today at 92, how 'bout you? Since I haven't posted in a minute, not sure if it was already brought to everyone's attention but it looks like we ended up with 13 confirmed tornados in PA on July 29th, albeit only one in the LSV, that being an EFO in Lebanon Co. This is the fifth largest daily outbreak in the state's history. Almost all were very weak and short-lived, with 7 EF0s, 4 EF1s, 1 EF2, and 1 EF3 (the crazy car dealership one out near Bensalem). What ended up being pretty pedestrian around here was quite the show in the western and eastern portions of the state. Also, more medals for the US wrestling team, including an epic comeback in the gold medal match by heavyweight Gable Stevenson. All five of the American men's freestyle wrestlers have earned a medal in Tokyo, just an incredible historic performance!
  10. Forgive me while I go off topic for a minute but I'm still running high after watching Penn State wrestling legend David Taylor win his first ever gold medal this morning on a last second takedown! The grit, the guts, the determination.......just everything. What a moment for David, who has been through so much to get to this point. The US wrestling team is having a heck of an Olympics, with still more accolades on the way. I love me some wrestling, the oldest greatest sport!
  11. Oh wow, you almost matched the MDT-thou-shallst-not-drop-below-60 curse.
  12. 55 here last night. More beautiful weather on tap. What more can a lad ask for. Edit: Let us note yet again that MDT only dropped to 60, only place outside of Philly to not hit 50s.
  13. I hit 57 last night and totaled .42" of glorious H2O. Beautiful stretch of weather on tap. Men's Freestyle Wrestling should get started at the Olympics before long. Life is good.
  14. How about it. It looked nasty coming in but was just garden variety stuff. Sounded like a decent dumping though, will check gauge in the morning.
  15. Yeah I’ve noticed that, would love for some of that action to make its way over here but it doesn’t seem to want to move much. I only have ~.05 so far. We’ll see what that line brings with it later this evening.
  16. Of course he’d have a chance. The big obstacle may be the primary, as it depends what the big T decides to do. His loyal base and name recognition could be tough to beat in a primary setting, although I do believe DeSantis would eat him alive in a debate setting. Also depends on what the Dems do. I absolutely can’t see Biden running again and I think they know Kamala isn’t the answer. It’s tough to “forecast” (to keep it weather related tehe) at this point because there is sooooo long to go and as we know there will be approximtaely 5 trillion news cycles between now and then ha. Check back in three years. Lots of weather to discuss between now and then!
  17. Man you guys have the board popping this morning! But yes you nailed it. I bottomed out at 56 last night, MDT 60.
  18. I’m at 66. Just sitting here with a nice Manhattan watching the Olympics. It’s funny you talk about wanting to move there, as we know multiple people who live down there and many more who are planning to go and they all love DeSantis. Florida isn’t for me though. I’m a PA boy born and bred. Almost all of our family and good friends are here so I don’t see us ever leaving.
  19. Could not disagree with you more. Guy is brilliant, always a step ahead, and stands up for his people. Big reason why Florida is thriving. He’ll win reelection in a landslide. America’s governor!
  20. First EF3 in history for PA. Now, there have been many F3s, most recently in 2004, but this is the first since we went to the enhanced Fujita Scale. Bit of semantics but still cool.
  21. Some more from Nanty Glo, look out for those tipping port'o'johns! 0612 PM TSTM WND DMG 1 N NANTY-GLO 40.48N 78.84W 07/29/2021 CAMBRIA PA EMERGENCY MNGR BLEACHERS AND A PORTABLE TOILET WHERE KNOCKED OVER AT BLACKLICK VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL.
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