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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. .21” total for me, a big Penn State W, and a mostly beautiful stretch of weather on tap. Life is good.
  2. Overnight low here of 54 with heavy dew. The dog and the baby are much more amped than I am this morning.
  3. I know, isn't it!? F'n crazy! Honestly one of the best close encounter 'nado videos I have ever seen, maybe THE best. Glad you all enjoyed.
  4. Oh yeah that's what I mean, all pre-game. Penn State doesn't have booze inside the stadium either, outside of the club seats and private boxes. People get extra lathered up because it needs to carry them through the game haha. Doesn't end well for some, especially when you throw in extreme heat.
  5. I hope this posts okay because it is worth every second, especially towards the end. Wow!
  6. Of course alcohol is never a factor in those incidents haha. Heck, we even see plenty of that up in Happy Valley.
  7. What's new ha. Just a factory of talent there. I will say, while their skill talent is very good, the defense is a bit susceptible and I don't think the quarterback is quite to the level of other guys they've had recently. They are still heavy favorites to win the league but even the mighty OSU gets had by an unsuspecting foe most years. Eh I don't quite subscribe to that. I think no matter who wins the game tomorrow, both PSU and Wisco can still have the seasons they envision. Of course, fans of both programs will wildly overact to the results of a week one game, but the reality is that the examples are endless of teams laying a stinker in week one and then going on to have great seasons, or vice versa. This being college-aged guys and there being no warm-up games only adds to the unknowns. Teams can look quite different from week one to week two. Again, the only guarantee is overreaction on both sides ha. We have a wedding tomorrow as well (my wife's brother) but at least it's not until 6pm. I should be able to get through the game just fine, outside of the normal hand-wringing from my wife about "getting ready". Black shoes. Basic blues. No names. All game. We Are!!!
  8. Watched college football last night and woke up to a temp of 51 this morning. Yep, it's that time of year. Damnit life is good.
  9. Ah ha! @Itstrainingtime unintentionally saving me face
  10. Looks like I missed my chance on starting a thread, despite the invite haha. Rats! Anyway, looks like a beautiful stretch of weather ahead, much deserved for us all.
  11. I was thinking the same thing. Can barley tell it rained over here, pretty remarkable.
  12. It is indeed an extreme rarity to have strong tornadoes associated with a tropical system. I was reading (but forget where ugh) that if this NJ one is confirmed as an EF4 it would be only the second (maybe first??) ever in recorded US history to be spawned from a tropical storm inland. Something to that effect. They are almost always of the short-lived weak rain-wrapped variety. Edit: Also, I should add I believe it would be tied for the strongest confirmed tornado in NJ history.
  13. So, it looks like the Conestoga River at Lancaster will hit its third highest crest ever, behind only Agnes and Lee. The Swatara will likely just miss out on a top five showing. The Schuylkill River at Philadelphia will have its second highest crest ever, behind only October 4, 1869, as we all remember so well.
  14. What was the feller in that car thinkin!? Some people, aye.....
  15. Official tally here of 5.39", not quite as bad as I thought. The real miracle is my sump pump didn't even run! Honestly, I thought we would be mostly okay around here because the rain was juuuuuust spread out enough to avoid major issues and that appears to be mostly the case, outside of some creek flooding. The river doesn't look to hit even minor flood stage at any station, although the Schuylkill River looks like it may set cresting records at a couple locations. Conestoga River looks pretty high as well. The highest totals definitely seem to be across eastern PA into central NJ and NYC. The highest total I have found in PA so far is off of Cocorahs, with 8.22" near Valley Green in York County, right by @Caveman Edit: I see Caveman already pointed out the 8.22 total near Valley Green. How you faring up that way sir? My buddy in Etters damn near had his deck ripped off, as he lives right on Fishing Creek.
  16. I’m guessing I’m close to 6” but like I said earlier won’t know for sure until tomorrow. Looks like we have one last batch to get through and as others have said winds really picking up.
  17. Yeah we’re not in a great spot at the moment. Was really hoping the heaviest stuff would stay just to the north but doesn’t look like that’s happening. Just relentless right now.
  18. The thing about tornados in these setups is they just tend to be so weak and short-lived and rain-wrapped and well......they just kind of sneak up on ya.
  19. I'm about 4 miles east of "the bend" in the river at Marietta. @Itstrainingtime is much more of a river rat than me
  20. Wow! I have buddy who lives up in Etters, you guys are really takin it on the chin up 'er.
  21. I should be clear that I don't know what I have haha, as I'll have to hand check the cylinder gauge tomorrow morning, but my buddy on WU right by me was at 2.93" at 3:19pm. As for the velocities, I see the broader spin but haven't been able to spot anything you'd really call a couplet. Although, now that I say that, there appears to be a clear one in Northern York Co. Definitely a fluid situation, no pun intended.
  22. Yes we are "in it" for a bit. Up to almost 3 inches here. However, I haven't been able to find much on the velocity radar to go with that tornado warning in York. Fingers crossed. Have keen eyes on it.
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