What's new ha. Just a factory of talent there. I will say, while their skill talent is very good, the defense is a bit susceptible and I don't think the quarterback is quite to the level of other guys they've had recently. They are still heavy favorites to win the league but even the mighty OSU gets had by an unsuspecting foe most years.
Eh I don't quite subscribe to that. I think no matter who wins the game tomorrow, both PSU and Wisco can still have the seasons they envision. Of course, fans of both programs will wildly overact to the results of a week one game, but the reality is that the examples are endless of teams laying a stinker in week one and then going on to have great seasons, or vice versa. This being college-aged guys and there being no warm-up games only adds to the unknowns. Teams can look quite different from week one to week two. Again, the only guarantee is overreaction on both sides ha.
We have a wedding tomorrow as well (my wife's brother) but at least it's not until 6pm. I should be able to get through the game just fine, outside of the normal hand-wringing from my wife about "getting ready".
Black shoes. Basic blues. No names. All game.
We Are!!!