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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. A low of 31 and some thick fog with visibilities <1/4 mile. The fog and temp combo has created some slick black ice type spots on the roadways this morning, careful out there!
  2. I do appreciate that! I love checking in on the snow reports from various resorts through the Sierra-Nevada. Just amazing the totals they can see out there some seasons.
  3. Storms to the south of me, storms to the north, here I am stuck in the middle with you......
  4. I topped out at 62. Some stark differences today in the highs across a relatively short distance.
  5. As a dumb kid of 18, I once briefly fell asleep on the deck of a cruise ship with no sun screen at high noon right around the summer solstice and damn near of the tropic of cancer. Pretty much a worse case scenario for getting sunburn on planet Earth, and sure enough got the worst sun burn of my life. Immense pain ensued in the days that followed. All from what was maybe a 15 minute nap. Learned a big lesson that day.
  6. Well there's the record, MDT just hit 64. Another one bites the dust! 16 Dec 2:20 pm 64 34 32 S 9 10.00 CLR 29.63 29.97
  7. Thanks for answering. Yeah I could accept that perhaps there is some atmospherical difference where less UV is being blocked out or something to that effect, although I have no knowledge one way or the other of such a phenomena. However, there absolutely shouldn't be anything different about the actual sun angle as it relates to astronomical physics, as Tim noted.
  8. Can you explain what you mean by sun strength being so much more? What would have changed about the sun angle when looking at same dates, other than perhaps some miniscule shift of like a hundredth or thousandth of a degree due to natural orbital shifting? Genuinely curious.
  9. A sun-splashed 60 degrees here. I hit 43 last night, which makes two nights in a row I bottomed out lower than Bradford, not something that happens very often ha.
  10. Pumpkin-ball, as some of my wrestling friends like to call it.
  11. 7-5 to 9-3 for the next decade, let's gooooooooooo!!!
  12. Two-pump chump 'till the day I die! It's a great class. Now, about the coaching.......
  13. I believe West Virginia law says it's fair game once you're beyond third cousin or thrice removed or some sh$t like that, so let's go with that
  14. An unusual spot claimed the title of national low temp yesterday, as 24 miles southeast of Prairie City, OR checked in at -10. Can't say I've ever seen a location around there claim the belt before. Cheers to them. For those who are unaware, Snowman mails a hand-crafted championship belt to each town that claims the daily national low temp. True story. As for the high, a rather pedestrian 87 near Zapata and Pharr, Texas.
  15. I can always go for a good polar vortex. I root for maximum cold and snow in the winter. At all times. No exceptions.
  16. I bottomed out at 23 last night, another great night of radiational cooling. It looks like of all the ASOS sites, only the notorious inversion cool spots of York and Selinsgrove came in lower, at 21 and 22, respectively.
  17. You can't hang with me on those clear calm nights pal! Much like I normally can't hang with you in regards to rain totals
  18. I dropped to 26 last night, 'twas a good night for inversion cooling. Almost all of the models had a nice depiction of the SLP with regards to early next week on the 0z suite. Let's hope for more of that as the week progresses. In the meantime, enjoy these pleasant days. Toodles.
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