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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. After much number crunching, Mount Joy Snowman officially endorses your 2" snowfall total. Well done good sir.
  2. I respect the honesty haha. Hey, we've all had out share of questionable measurements. I know you said you're putting 3.0" in the books but do you have the liquid amount from that day? If so, you could back into your snowfall via a reasonable SLR estimate. I came in at 22.5:1 and there were loads of reports in the 20-30:1 range around the region. Speaking of which, the ratios were probably the biggest highlight from this event. As @TugHillMatt mentioned, we rarely see snow with that high of a fluff factor. The low density also had a lot to do with why it was whisked away so quickly.
  3. Low of 16 here and doesn't appear any snow fell overnight. Man, this trailing cold front later in the week means business; 850s go from like +10 to negative teens over me in the span of 12 hours. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much staying power though.
  4. Wow can’t believe the difference between us. You must have been just outside a solid band that stayed over the area for a good portion of the night.
  5. A nice little over performer here — 3.6”! A beautiful scene out there.
  6. Despite what appear to be heavy returns overhead, nada here. Time for bed. Hope to wake up to white.
  7. At the three o’clock hour it was 23 in Erie and 60 in Philly. This front means business.
  8. Yeah very likely MU data. Regardless, as you said, we know our area is the snow hole of the entire region this year. Let’s hope we pull a rabbit out of the hat to change that fact in the last month or so here.
  9. Is that Millersville’s total you’re using for Lancaster? Just curious. If I’m not mistaken LNS doesn’t record snowfall but there’s some coop site at the water plant or something that does, right?
  10. Oh wow, just checked the radar and sure enough a narrow curved heavy band of snow appears to have just gone through your area. Very odd look. Did it amount to anything?
  11. I think we’re looking at a scenario where souther tier counties like Lanc and York see 1-2”, with places NW of there being lucky to see an inch and a few places just SE of there popping 3”. We have a bit of dry air to overcome initially but I don’t see too many issues with stickage with snowfall arriving overnight and temps falling into the 20s. Hopefully a little white when we awake to brighten up Superbowl Sunday. There are worse things.
  12. Okay got ya. I worked in the Capitol Complex for 15 years and there's a good bit of UHI in that area.
  13. 63 in 2009. MDT hasn't been above 57 yet though. You always seem to run hot. You downtown?
  14. Yeah the Olympic styles (Freestyle and Greco) have had a number of scoring changes in recent years and can be hard to keep up with. Folkstyle, which is the style used in collegiate and scholastic wrestling, hasn't had as many changes and puts more of an emphasis on mat wrestling. And yeah, what Cael has done at Penn State is incredible and likely much more to come. Oh man, nothing beats the old WWF days haha.
  15. No no no, that's rasslin', I'm talkin wrestling You bite your tongue! The oldest and greatest sport. Ask any athlete (like many football players) who wrestled at one point what the hardest sport is and they will all tell you hands down it's wrestling. The true measure of a man. A test of strength and will. No one to blame but yourself. Okay you get it, I'll stop now haha. And hey, Williamsport has one of their best teams ever this year. In fact, the Millionaires (isn't that their mascot?) are wrestling in the state championships in Hershey as we speak!
  16. What is all this pumpkin ball talk!? Post-season wrestling is nearly here! Yes, I know I am likely alone on this island
  17. Dipped to 22 last night. Well, outside of the NAM and the CMC nobody wants to bring us anything even remotely meaningful on Sunday, and even those two are more of a nuisance type event (lord knows we'd still take it). In other words, don't get your hopes up. The WPC sure isn't...... You know it's funny, after this weekend the next couple of weeks look pretty similar to these eyes. Chilly starts to the week followed by warm-ups at the end of the week associated with systems passing through the Ohio Valley and giving us a nice soaking (perhaps some storms?), and then a return to more seasonable temps. All in all ,nothing too crazy but a repetitive look.
  18. I'm with you my friend. Don't get me wrong, I obviously want the snow to stick around as long as possible but I'll take any snow I can get whenever I can get it, regardless of how long it hangs on. As you said, big game hunting baby haha.
  19. March certainly is volatile but people always underestimate how often we see measurable snow in the month of the Mars God. The last two years were a bit of an anomaly in that I recorded absolutely nothing in March; however, four of the five years prior to that I recorded substantial snow in March, with three of the four totaling over a foot. Heck, two of my last six Aprils have seen over an inch of snow. Harrisburg has only seen four March's in its history that totaled zero snow (with about another 14 with only Trace) but over 50 where it recorded at least six inches.
  20. Was just going to point this out. NWS has me at a high of 49 today. My low was 29 but I'm up to 48 already and should easily downslope my way into the low to mid 50s.
  21. Well, last night's 0z model suite shows less support for snowfall in our area than the previous night's compilation. Trend is not our friend right now. Need some things to come together within the next 24-36 hours or we will likely be on the outside looking in, yet again.
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