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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Yep. Good summary. All the standard March caveats apply.
  2. As for Wednesday, with dew points hovering in the low to mid 30s throughout the event, I don't expect very efficient accumulation or many issues on any paved surfaces. I do think some in our area could see a couple, to perhaps a few, inches on north-facing decks and grassy surfaces and whatnot. Looking forward to hopefully putting something in the books for March. All snow is good snow.
  3. I briefly touched 76 but am back down to 72 now. LNS hit 77 but THV and MDT haven't been above 72, with rain on the doorstep. Interesting.
  4. No I think you have the right of it. I was just going off of the NWS hour-by-hour graphs that have MDT still at 49 at 11pm and then 46 at midnight, which would qualify as a close cut. However, they're probably still playing catch-up with the models and I expect the cold front to sweep through a bit quicker than that, as they often do.
  5. Yeah I saw that. It looks like we'll just sneak below the max min record (48 from 1921) right before midnight tonight, could be close but the front should be deep enough by us at that point that temps should be dropping quick. Looking at the five minute observations from MDT yesterday is pretty remarkable. The temp rose 22 degrees between noon and 1pm (from 50 to 72), including one five minute period where it went up six degrees ha. This aligns with what many of us witnessed yesterday. I remember at one point seemingly blinking before checking my weather station to see it had gone up like ten degrees. I thought something may have been wrong with it but nope, just one of those days where the airmass was in place and the temp was ready to pop upon clouds clearing out. Good stuff.
  6. I made it to 73 today. MDT topped out at 74, breaking the previous daily record of 72 from 1946.
  7. Haha they really do, whereas some of us just call it March. Low of 24 here last night. An interesting few weeks ahead.
  8. For those bantering about the possible high temps on Sunday/Moday, the records for Harrisburg for March 6 and 7 are potentially reachable, at a soft 72 and 74, respectively. Also, Bradford hit 2 last night, Yahtzee!
  9. I bottomed out at 15, which I believe is a good bit lower than what NWS was forecasting for my area.
  10. I'm at 42 and received .01" of rain last night. I see March as being pretty typical of most March's, that being up and down with alternating air masses briefly taking the reigns. All in all, a lot of warmth and chill with the aggregate probably a little above average. And oh yeah, little to no snow for most
  11. It really is. I'm at 53 but the light breeze and bright sunshine make it feel very nice. I even went for a run, something I very rarely do haha.
  12. The way I think about the off-hour runs is kind of like this.....they are still better than the prior runs simply because they are six additional hours down the line (i.e. closer to the events occurring), so time is on their side; however, the gain in predicative ability from 6z to 12z is greater than the gain from 12z to 18z. Make sense?
  13. I could be off on this but I believe that, outside of special circumstances, the balloons are only sent up for 0z and 12z. Better initialization. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. Surprisingly enough MDT got down to 33 last night, which was my low as well.
  15. Nice timing on both of our posts haha. But yeah I had seen that earlier about MU's departure being so much greater. Feels like we had a few potent boundaries draped across the area with tight gradients that could have accounted for the stark difference from SE to NW.
  16. MDT ended the month of February 2.5 degrees above avg., .33" above avg. precip, and 7.4" below avg. snowfall.
  17. Haha well thank you sir you are too kind. That is pretty damn remarkable. Would a betting man then say that they could, perhaps should, be in for a big March/April?
  18. I tallied .61” of liquid, off of which I received a whopping .1” sleet and .1” ice accretion. Lovely.
  19. Yeah they just illustrate rain falling into a surface temp of 32 or less so actual ice accretion is always much less but was still expecting at least a few reports around .5”. They just put out an updated PNS that includes five reports from Somerset County and not a one is over .3”. Heck, there was good reason to believe that Clearfield County would be ground zero for the icing and the lone ZR report from Clearfield so far is for only .13”. Oh well, not like loads of ice is a good thing.
  20. I was perusing through CTP’s first released PNS and various LSRs and I’ve got to say it’s quite underwhelming. Not a single snow or sleet report above 2” and no ZR reports over .32”, even for the Laurels, with most ~.15”. Was really expecting to see some more impactful ice reports out along the high terrain but so far nada. In the grand picture, it’s hard to say this wasn’t a letdown for the region, which has been par for the course this year.
  21. We’ll never know because this guy was sleeping like a log at that point!
  22. Yeah that possibility was being widely shown by the hi-res models as well. Just never really a snow storm for our area but I am curious to hear about the ice accumulation from some of our northern brethren. Oh wow we had nothing near that here. I could hear the sleet shut-off not long after it started while lying in bed.
  23. I always do horrible in these marginal situations due to my low lying location. Either way, the expectation was for things to be mostly fine by mid to late morning and that still looks to be the case for nearly everyone around here. The Lancaster incidents report map looks pretty quiet.
  24. 32/29 here with at most .1” of sleet and .1” of ice accretion. Walked all around and roads are just wet and even my front walkway has zero ice on it. Can already hear things melting off. As expected, virtually a non-event here. Congrats to those who got something worth talking about. Look forward to hearing @Atomixwx ice report. Some nice cold upcoming.
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