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Everything posted by WolfStock1

  1. I go through Palmetto lots when I'm down there. Hope they make out OK. Palmetto is going to have a hard time of it.
  2. Milton set the record for fastest storm to go from tropic depression to Cat 5 hurricane (46 hours): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Atlantic_hurricane_records#Fastest_intensification
  3. I think it's supposed to weaken some - but not much. Still projected to hit as a Major - probably Cat 4. I just became Cat 5 a bit ago. One of the fastest-intensifying in history. Ugh.
  4. Yeah I'd say unless something unexpected happens there's no way flights are coming in and out of either Tampa or Orlando on Wednesday.
  5. So the latest public-facing graphic looks like this. One if the problems with this graphic, IMO, is that it leaves it very unknown / ambiguous as to what is the expected strength at landfall. Going by this graphic - the storm could be anywhere in the range of Cat 1 to Cat 5 when it hits the coast. Obviously a huge difference!
  6. Ugh. One of the things I wish that they showed on the graphic is - what is the expected level of the storm when it makes landfall. Going by the chart - it could be anything from a Cat 1 all the way up to to a Cat 5. There's a huge difference of course!
  7. Ugh. I have in-laws in Bradenton. Unfortunately they aren't the evacuating type, and I believe will be riding it out. They're in zone B - the second zone; which is in line with 14 ft storm surge inundation. They're somewhat inland, but near bayous. This is looking to potentially be the worst storm they've had there, and they've lived there for many decades.
  8. Yeah we have a place booked on Anna Maria for December. Looking more likely that it's not going to happen.
  9. Helene *really* hit Anna Maria island hard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFHbfaV_wM4 Now that area is likely to get hit again from Milton unfortunately. (just started a thread on that one) My family rented a place down there in December. Looks like it's not going to happen.
  10. Looks like the west coast of Florida is not going to get much reprieve. Milton expected to become a major hurricane, and possibly hit the Tampa area hard again. Update: now a hurricane.
  11. Saw a couple of perhaps-useful sites - power outage info and road info for NC: https://poweroutage.us/ https://drivenc.gov/
  12. With all the roads closed, but the Asheville airport open, it seems like a bit of a "Berlin airlift" kind of situation there right now. Is there food and supplies being flow in? If not, it seems like there should be. I have a relative stuck in Asheville right now. Not sure what his situation is, other than alive and with a place to sleep.
  13. I-26 bridge at Erwin TN washed out. https://www.facebook.com/100064596347703/photos/936159315213938/?paipv=0&eav=AfakNstgGMfkESw_gDo-KpclLIIT-PwUJIRDV11V4L26hwG7lADMReKDUDmVJiitZMA&_rdr
  14. Not quite taken from the same spot, but close. The bottom one is a little further down the road. https://www.wsoctv.com/news/photos-lake-lure/R22VATGCEJHL7KZEMOKB3KBUPU/ Looks like much of the town was wiped out. Not surprising since it is (or was) all right on the river.
  15. For what it's worth - the river still hit record levels with severe flooding, at 28 feet high - and still rising right now! So I'm guessing most of the town is underwater right now anyhow. https://water.noaa.gov/gauges/NEPT1
  16. That's probably due to the failure of the Waterville dam, which is just upstream of that.
  17. Interesting - I know it's generally recommended to do September-ish, however if you have a lot of shade it does seem like August timeframe may be OK. Seems like a bit bigger risk with late-summer hot spell, though being more shaded helps with that. Unfortunately my lawn is half-shade half-sun. The half-sun part got decimated this year during the drought. Will probably give it a shot this weekend and hope we don't get any super hot spells over the coming weeks.
  18. Argh - debating about aerating and overseeding the lawn early this year, this morning, since the upcoming weather pattern is fairly ideal. Wasn't ready yet but may rush it. Usually wait until September, but it'll be nice to have some rain this weekend, and not-so-hot weather in the forecast.
  19. Forecast looking really nice next week for NoVA. Finally some good relief.
  20. I was getting a bit worried about my well - wasn't sure how deep it is (it's not in county records), and also not sure how far down the water table is at my place. Found this good site which shows a method for measuring: https://sunshineworks.com/pages/measuring-your-static-water-level - both the water level and the depth of the well. Tried it and it worked great. Was quite relieved to find that the water level was at 68 feet, but the bottom of the well is at last 160 feet (ended up running out of fishing line before reaching the bottom).
  21. Man I hope we get some more tonight and tomorrow night. Very disappointing with the clouds last night. fingers crossed.
  22. Thanks. Yeah - went up to Point of Rocks and there was a fair amount.
  23. Anyone live along the Potomac, and can report if there's ice on / in it or not? Was thinking about going up that way for Sunday drive later. Always neat to see that.
  24. You can also get a really good deal parking at the Marriott nearby - did that for recent vacation. Shuttle runs every 30 mins IIRC. Parking much cheaper than DCA long-term. Not sure what service (booked by wife) - maybe Park N' Fly.
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