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Everything posted by TimB

  1. With today’s high of 79 being more or less official, that seals the deal that June will finish with 10 days reaching 80 or above, the 15th time in the period of record there have been that few or fewer. We did this as recently as 2019 and also in 2003. But 4 of those days came at the start of the month. This will be the 6th year in the period of record and first since 1982 that there have been 6 or fewer 80 degree days from 6/5 to 6/30.
  2. For reference, the magic number for 10th place is 7.32” in 2012.
  3. Going to badly bust low on today’s high temperature, even without the smoke. Not that I’m complaining. Should allow us to squeak out a top 20 coldest June.
  4. But they post those little graphics on their social media pages saying we can expect between 0 and 14 inches of snow, so even if the discussion is lacking we still know what to expect.
  5. PBZ’s AFD left out a major detail? You don’t say.
  6. This looks safe, though I suspect we start getting some upper 60s lows as soon as July starts.
  7. You’re a craft beer guy, right? There are a number of breweries in/near the city worth a visit, depending on what part of tahn you’re in.
  8. There are 11 years in the entire period of record that have made it past 6/30 without a low of 67 or higher. Incredibly, three of them somehow made it to August. There’s also the summer of 1976, which recorded a low of 67 on June 15th and then never recorded a low of 68 or higher.
  9. I did this exercise for June 1-18 and we’re ranked 6th with a mean low of 53.0. This morning’s low of 55 should bump that average up to 53.1, but should still be enough to move past 1964 and 1974 into a tie for 4th with 1927. Looking ahead, the warmer lows to close out the month should then push us back to 20th or so for the whole month.
  10. Seconded. I have yet to run my air conditioning this summer.
  11. It’s worse when you realize what they did there.
  12. If I had to bet, I’ll bet against having 18 straight days of 60 degrees and rainy in June.
  13. Should add one more day to the dry streak at PIT to make this the 10th time we’ve gone 21 days without rain. All of the others occurred at least partially in meteorological autumn.
  14. It’s at least within the realm of possibility. Butler got down to 39.
  15. They’ve already backed today off to 20%. I expect we add another day to the streak today.
  16. Looks like we tied the 8pm record (30) and broke the 9pm record (29).
  17. NWS is calling for a 40% chance of rain tomorrow and similar for Friday.
  18. 6/11/72 is the date that features the seemingly unbreakable all time June record low of 34, isn’t it?
  19. Was thinking about this, as dewpoints are once again about as low as they can go, with the last hour coming in at 31. We actually had a dewpoint of 28 on the evening of June 19th last year, which seems pretty impressive. The current obs comes in second for lowest June dewpoint this century.
  20. Traces are not measurable. So they just saw a few drops of rain at some point. Hence the dry streak is still alive.
  21. Looks like PIT recorded only a trace, so the days without measurable precip streak has reached 14.
  22. I remember seeing a bit of cumulus develop in my area in the afternoon. If that happened at the airport, I could see where temps could have stalled a bit. Edit: you can see it on the 5-min obs during the hottest part of the day. 3:30-4:30 pm or so was observing BKN065, or 60-90% cloud cover at 6500 feet.
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