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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Oh, now we’re digging deep into the bag of tricks, using a co-op site barely below the median of a small sample size.
  2. I see 1898 in there. That October includes a denier special at many mid-latitude eastern US sites.
  3. I had no idea Hamburg was an official first-order climate site. You learn new things every day.
  4. And there it is. October 3rd and nothing even close to a frost having been observed yet, the term “Indian summer” gets thrown out there.
  5. All jokes aside, MDT’s lows are ridiculous and I don’t fully understand why it doesn’t get cold there because I don’t know the geography there.
  6. You can’t just toss overnight low temperatures because you don’t like what they do to the averages. Sorry, but you just can’t. There is no logical reason to do so.
  7. He has his weather station set up in a children’s playground with an air conditioner blowing on it. Of course it’s going to be below normal most days.
  8. Going 15 days in a row without going below 55 on or after 9/22 is what I was referring to as unprecedented. Fall nowadays is going back and forth between long stretches of above normal and shorter stretches of normal with maybe a below normal day or two sprinkled in here and there. The upcoming pattern reflects this, and it’s now looking like we’ll quickly bounce back to normal or above, and the CPC agrees in their 8-14 day outlook.
  9. Not exactly how you “make up for” unprecedented late season heat unless you get unprecedented early season cold, which next weekend isn’t even close to. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take it, but it’s just a (probably short) period of slightly below normal temperatures.
  10. Day 10 of what will likely end up being 15 of temperatures not dropping below 55. A 15-day stretch of lows at or above 55 has never happened entirely on or after September 22.
  11. “On January 4, the system was named Windstorm Benjamin by the Free University of Berlin,[1] which names all Low and High-Pressure systems that affect Europe.” Wait, they name high pressure systems?
  12. The ground truth is now two of the last four winters have been among the worst in the 150 years we do have on record and you’re scared it’s going to become an every other year thing that will make this hobby unenjoyable for the remainder of your time here. We all are.
  13. I won’t do it again. I’ll let the denier push his agenda in peace.
  14. The temperature inside my house has yet to go below 67 this fall. I think my heat is set to 67, but I have the thermostat off right now. Pattern change next weekend could change that, and is looking more likely.
  15. I mean I guess you could call basically average temperatures for September by definition fall-like. I’m not expecting a frost or freeze in September. There has only been one September freeze in recorded history (9/19/1959), and unlikely there will ever be another, but the nights this month have been very warm.
  16. Over/under on the number of times we hear the phrase “Indian summer” next week even though we haven’t had any true fall weather yet?
  17. Lowest temp of the season looks to remain 48 for at least another week and a half. Very, very likely we make it into the top 5 of this list for latest in a season we first got to 47. The daily normal low reaches 47 on 10/6 so it’s entirely possible if not likely that the normal low gets below 48 before we actually do.
  18. I don’t think I bother him, his smug denier arrogance allows him to dismiss the “haters.” Every single post he makes is tinged with his obvious agenda even if he tries to veil it as some sort of objective data. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no place for a person who doesn’t think humans are warming the earth on a science forum and it’s a shame that these people are allowed to fester here. Go ahead, tell me there’s a climate change subforum here or whatever.
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