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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Lol. NWS says it’s 50/50 that we don’t get ANY measurable snow.
  2. Metfan is harmless. I don’t think he was actually trolling.
  3. Par for the course. That’s been in their discussion for at least 24 hours now.
  4. The GFS shows an accurate depiction of how the first storm is going to play out, and the the Euro shows an accurate depiction of how the second storm is going to play out ().
  5. Yeah, it’s pretty well known how we do historically with snow to rain type storms.
  6. 2nd storm is a warning level event on the Canadian, lol. Nevermind that verbatim it has snow falling in some areas with 558 thicknesses.
  7. Translation: this is going to be hell for quite some time?
  8. That NAM run is probably one of the most comical things I’ve ever seen. I know it’s the NAM at range, but LOL
  9. These days we’re Detroit for sports and Raleigh for weather. What more is there to say?
  10. Disappointment is just part of living in Pittsburgh, whether it’s the weather or pretty much anything else. All we can do is carry on.
  11. It’s all good. Let’s drown our sorrows in this one, only 13 days away.
  12. Really it’s just a matter of having to hope that the GFS and its ensemble are just incredibly stupid. An advisory type event would be fine. Anything less would be misery.
  13. It’s almost worse when there are no winners, especially when winter in the east has been completely nonexistent for 22 months.
  14. …and you know what percent of GFS members give us >1”? 26%
  15. Yeah that was me of course. But then I remembered that even if we lose we’re not technically eliminated until Sunday since there’s still an extremely unlikely path to losing and clinching a spot.
  16. A 1-3” type event is of zero interest to me. We get several of those during even the worst of winters, like last year.
  17. Our streak of having no meaningful snow since March 2022 continues.
  18. The GEFS ensemble mean is ugly as hell and no one really wins. Even the best areas (not us) are getting an advisory level 3-5” type event.
  19. That thing is absolutely booking it, which really cuts totals back. Still, I’d take a high end advisory like that.
  20. Look dude, at this time, the main takeaway message is to simply keep an eye on the forecast for the weekend and early next week.
  21. Oddly, the cutter still isn’t looking terrible on the ensemble.
  22. It would sure be a kick in the teeth if the Steelers got their asses kicked as we watched the snow pile up on TV in Baltimore while seeing very little out the windows. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen. Ideally we see a good snowfall and we get to see a good snow game on tv that ends in a win. But this is Pittsburgh and these kinds of things are rare.
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