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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Seconded. Moderate snow shower, picked up a quick coating. 9am observation at the airport was also mod snow.
  2. 44.8 average temp for March. +5.2 relative to average, tied for 21st warmest all time and 7th in the KPIT era. 4 of those 7 have occurred in the past 10 years.
  3. Even if “people who aren’t vaccinated against COVID” isn’t a protected class? I don’t think this would be an easy type of discrimination case to win, mostly on those grounds. Edit: on second thought, I imagine “religion” would probably be used as the loophole to get around that. It always is. Edit 2: I’m not bashing religion at all, I have no issue with believers. I do, however, have an issue with people who use religion as a tool to manipulate people and get what they want. The line of reasoning here would be “I can’t get vaccinated because my religion doesn’t allow it” (blatantly false for most, at least for Christians, but not disputable). “This business won’t serve me because I’m not vaccinated, so they’re discriminating against me on the basis of religion.” So we’ll have a world where businesses can refuse to serve customers because of the owner’s religious beliefs, but other businesses have to serve other customers because of the customer’s “religious beliefs”.
  4. Make no mistake about it, I’m perfectly okay with COVID being added to the list of things that certain schools, colleges, countries, military, etc. require you to be vaccinated against.
  5. It depends on if such things are done by the government or if businesses or industries preemptively do these things (perhaps under pressure). There’s nothing saying that if I own a business, or a restaurant, or an airline, that I can’t refuse service to unvaccinated people or put them in their own special section of my business or restaurant or airplane. Problem is, it would be stupid from a business perspective given the percentage of the population we’re talking about.
  6. Of course it’ll be politicized, everything is. But yes, there needs to be societal pressure. I don’t have a lot of issue with businesses, particularly in the travel and hospitality industry, imposing restrictions on people who choose not to get the vaccine. I do have some qualms about the idea of vaccinated/non-vaccinated sections of restaurants like we did with smokers back in the day, simply because it would probably allow the virus to spread faster among non-vaccinated people if we herd them all into one section like that. (See, I’m not a monster.)
  7. I’ll start with this statement, and I guarantee that percentage is a lot higher than you think. Beyond that, it’s not about shaming at all.
  8. I would venture to guess that the vast majority of people who “want to wait for it to go from EUA to full approval” have no idea what the salient differences are between EUA and full approval.
  9. Like I said, I don’t know any of y’all (to the extent that you can really know anyone on an internet weather forum). But on the spectrum that goes from “if it means shunning those who don’t want to be part of the team so be it” to “[the aforementioned view is] another argument based in emotion used to rationalize an extremist viewpoint”, I’m unquestionably a lot closer to the former than the latter.
  10. Guilty as charged. I haven’t lurked in this thread much. I’ll read back a bit. Or maybe I won’t, COVID is another non-political topic like climate change that people have made political because being divisive is human nature.
  11. Greg Vaughn is another who comes to mind. Caminiti was a confirmed steroid user by his own admission, right? I forgot he’s dead.
  12. You don’t think someone with late stage cancer who dies in a car accident should be considered a car accident death?
  13. It’s easier to see both sides when people with the opposite viewpoint don’t go around saying a statement like “I don’t want to be around a bunch of people who refuse to get vaccinated” is an “extremist viewpoint,” especially when it is a viewpoint commonly held by a large number of people.
  14. 100% correct. Our suffering won’t end until Bob Nutting sells the team.
  15. Not from upstate NY, but we have the same old story in Pittsburgh these days. But people fail to recognize that there’s a problem, as evidenced by the fact that if we get an unseasonably cold day, even if it comes after 17 days in a row of above normal temperatures, the self-professed comedians are all over the NWS Pittsburgh Facebook page cracking stale and unfunny (and misinformed) “jokes” about global warming.
  16. I’d say try being a Pirates fan, but then there’s 1979 and 1971 (but both of those are before my time).
  17. That said, even with so many records being broken, the eye-popping heat records (daily record highs in July) have stayed relatively safe in places like the interior Northeast and Midwest.
  18. Perhaps that’s why I like the cold and snow records better than I like the heat records - because, to continue the baseball analogy, the heat records are like someone on steroids (or a player for the Rockies) hitting 60-70 home runs in a season.
  19. I’m a stats guy. Probably why I’m a fan of both weather and baseball even though both are boring to much of the general populace and both let me down constantly.
  20. I get that it’s a little harder to get snow in March and April, and that those of us who love snow shouldn’t complain (but often do) when one event or another doesn’t pan out, but we’re talking about a March where (*checks records for MDT*) Harrisburg will likely not even record a flake of snow, which never occurred in the first 110 years of recorded data at Harrisburg, but has now occurred four times since 2000. It’s been a similar story in Pittsburgh, where we officially got a fluke 0.1” out of a squall at the airport on the 1st (I recorded a T at home) and nothing else, which is our least snowy March since observations were moved to the airport in 1948. So I’d say the disappointment is warranted.
  21. Nearly every model has trended to an inch or less, but the NWS introduced the “heavy at times” wording into its point and click and shows 4.6” both at the airport and my house, though the zone forecast for Allegheny County and the forecast discussion are consistent with an inch or less. Not exactly sure what they’re seeing or if it’s a mistake with the point and click. Edit: this appears to have been fixed. Less than an inch of snow.
  22. That’s fair, there aren’t many winters that fit all that snow into such a short period. But let’s hope the 2021-22 winter starts on time like the last one did or even early, an unseasonably warm December like we often get would have us staring down the barrel of a 10 month almost snowless period.
  23. That is a fact. Though I did say 1” was in my list of possibilities I deem “acceptable,” not necessarily multiple inches. Also, less than half an inch of snow from February 23 on is hard to achieve. It’s only been achieved once in the history of this city, and never in the past 118 years. I wouldn’t rule out that my reaction would be along those lines. But your sample size of my posts on here only goes back to February 3rd, and that time period includes no major snowstorms, back-to-back busts, and a period of historic snow futility starting the last week of February. But it may be glass-half-empty/glass-half-full, since that period also included the 3 weeks of snow cover and consistent cold temperatures that allowed us to keep the snow from the storm just before I joined this forum.
  24. Looks like another typical Pittsburgh letdown with our last chance at snow, now it looks like it stays rain for longer so less moisture for snow after the changeover. I could live with even 1” to avenge a terrible March and close the books on winter, but I don’t see us getting that.
  25. Officially a trace of snow yesterday. Assures we won’t set a ridiculous record. Also will be a trace of snow for today, it looks like the 3am and 5am observations at KPIT included snow flurries. NWS has put 0.2” of snow into the point and click for after midnight Thursday morning. That would be twice as much as our March total. 12z NAM gives us something like that, but 12z GFS is snowier. Interested to see what the 12z Euro does, given that the NAM and GFS trended in opposite directions.
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