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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Good lord. Step away for a couple hours and someone with 11 posts and someone else who felt like going on a tirade against “liberals” hijacked the thread. There’s a reason I’m sticking to discussing covid here and not talking about things like Greg Abbott not throwing out the first pitch at the Rangers’ home opener because he’s salty about a decision that doesn’t even affect Texas. But hopefully a fair number of those 40,000 fans are vaccinated.
  2. The models really seem to deny yinz a legitimate shot at that. We’ll get there in Pittsburgh, hell we’ll be close to it today.
  3. Forgot that was the winter with the extreme January warmth that produced that EF-3 tornado in SE WI.
  4. Again, that’s your opinion that any of those examples are more heroic than any other. It’s subjective, not objective.
  5. Factual? No matter who you’re calling a hero, it’s an opinion. Whether it’s a soldier, a paramedic, a firefighter, a policeman, Sully Sullenberger, the passengers of Flight 93, the guys who got Bin Laden, your grandfather, a teacher, Obama, Trump, a covid task force, whoever, it’s nothing more than an opinion.
  6. Do they save lives? Yep. Then they’re heroes. Also, I don’t know why this suddenly morphed into participation trophies in your mind. You’re all too quick to use buzz words that you think will “trigger” people with opposing viewpoints, even when it has nothing to do with what is being discussed. That’s what trolls do.
  7. The anti-vax crowd suddenly cares about the people of Africa and poorer regions of the world, despite never having thought of those people once in all of their previous decades on earth.
  8. Also there are three other vaccines that don’t have that potential issue.
  9. A coronavirus thread on a weather forum. What could possibly go wrong?
  10. “Snoops on.” Those people are American heroes if you ask me.
  11. I strongly hope I’m wrong, but this year feels like another 2012 (the last year I lived in Wisc.).
  12. Western PA folk like myself aren’t particularly active on here outside of snow season. My ratio is probably getting dangerously close to falling below the 2:1 ratio. P.S. How’s the weather in Madison these days? As a UW alum who got to experience that epic ‘07-08 winter, has anything close to that happened since?
  13. As soon as we knew about the coronavirus, it was obvious that it would become political before too long at all. Just like climate change. These are scientific issues, not political ones.
  14. Everything is political now. And half the people on the other side of the mask/vax/lockdown issue had a “Stay Home, Save Lives” on their Facebook profile picture sometime last March or April. Hmm, wonder why that changed so quickly.
  15. Assuming you really mean actual medical professionals, I’ll give you that. I was having an argument with an anti-masker/anti-lockdown person/anti-vaxxer (can’t remember which, they’re all the same to me) on Facebook a number of months back and her response was “I work in the medical field so I would know.” A quick glance at her profile and it turns out she was a receptionist at a f***ing chiropractor’s office! As in, someone who would know little more about medicine than anyone else.
  16. “Blood on your hands” and “Americans are selfish” are personal attacks now? You could make a case for the first, given that it does contain the word “your”, but the second doesn’t involve anything directed at a person.
  17. And when businesses, airlines, etc. require you to be vaccinated to set foot inside, I call that their decision.
  18. If any of these are extremist tactics, then what do you call pretty much all of the arguments against getting the vaccine?
  19. You’re right. It probably doesn’t happen all that often anyway, they probably usually “have other plans.” Edit: I almost forgot to add, why do I need to justify the time I spend by myself? I post a lot on weather forums so I know that makes me unquestionably cool.
  20. Looks like we could challenge Thursday’s record high of 82 from 1875. You know what else happened in April 1875? A high of 28 and a low of 16 on the 17th, then a high of 25 and a low of 14 on the 18th, the two coldest April days in Pittsburgh’s history. There seem to be rumblings of a variation of that pattern shift (albeit much less extreme) in the models lately. Unless you live in GFS fantasy land, where several inches of snow fall in that time frame.
  21. Are you vaccinated? Are they vaccinated? If not, that shows what kind of friend you are, willing to risk giving your friends a deadly virus because you won’t get vaccinated.
  22. I’m not necessarily saying you don’t have a lick of common sense. I believe I was addressing the “snow shovel in Barbados” guy, who to me doesn’t appear to have a lick of common sense, and you jumped in. And I’ll bet his source isn’t the WHO.
  23. My point here is that no one with a lick of intellect or common sense can simultaneously believe that the virus can pass unobstructed through the mask, yet the mask could significantly restrict your oxygen flow. That’s exactly why I didn’t want to dignify the anti-mask troll’s comment with a response. Because you seized on one part of my response and you erroneously believe it nullifies my point.
  24. So... and hear me out on this one... if it prevents SOME O2 molecules from coming through, it stands to reason that it would prevent even more covid particles, which are much larger than O2 molecules, from coming through. Either way this is checkmate.
  25. Agreed. It’s no coincidence that nearly all of the people in this thread that were able to accomplish the not-so-easy task of getting a degree in meteorology, happen to be more or less on the same side of these issues.
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