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Everything posted by bobbutts

  1. Around the mid 90's I saw a huge fire in Hadley MA and drove down to see it. It's a blurry memory but I recall there being a pretty good crowd when I got there watching the massive barn fire.
  2. 75 was the low last night. I don't track carefully but that seems like the highest low I've seen in 13 years here.
  3. Nice soaker in Bow. Fairly frequent lighting for awhile about 20 mins ago. Got a little breezy but nothing close to severe.
  4. Congrats, love the views from that area and the drive to Wildcat, Sunday River, or Mt. Washington is not bad at all.
  5. Just a hair under 3".. sticky stuff 32f
  6. Finally a coating on non-paved surfaces. Had been 35 for a couple hours of insta-melt light snow but dropped to 33 not long ago.
  7. It's been pretty bad here near the 93/89 intersection. Gusting to the 30's now been non-stop accidents on the highways.
  8. Just cleared the slop before it all freezes up. Was getting nailed by falling ice, should have worn a helmet.
  9. 132 hours out, what could go wrong? I'm all in.
  10. ouch, I guess this trended even worse than a few days ago
  11. 4.5" probably final still some dust falling.
  12. 3.5" and rate much better looking than it was earlier. Has not moved off of 15F yet.
  13. Flake size has increased, the snow looks like a popcorn ceiling now. 1.75" 15f still.
  14. 1.25" tons of tiny flakes 15f
  15. 58 here in Bow NH.. Snow is going fast.
  16. Taking a break from clearing the driveway. One of the worst to clean up. It's solid underneath with just a little snow on top. Two passes and there's still about 1/2" ice left.
  17. Confirmed, heard the rumbling.. Watched for awhile but no more after that. It's like the tiniest flakes ever now with a bit of ip mixed in.
  18. If I believe the CC product snow is right on my doorstep.. Close to 100% IP at the moment. 32 still, sadly no greater temp resolution or dp as a sensor is down!
  19. Looks like I've gone over to mostly rain or zr.. 32 was mostly pinging a few mins ago but just some stray ip's in there now
  20. 100% IP.. light accumulation temp 33
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