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Everything posted by bobbutts

  1. https://www.wmur.com/article/earthquake-rattles-gorham/38979936
  2. That's alot of IP on the latest NAM. Looks like about 1" QPF of it. Still 43 here.
  3. I feel like the big draw of an electric is for the person that makes a regular commute and has a garage to charge overnight. They'll rarely to never use a charger besides at home. The same kind of person that probably already has a gas or hybrid suv for longer trips. People who are using them for more than very occasional long trips now are early adopter types who are ok with the extra pain. Won't take that long to cover more and more use cases as range increases and there are more and more chargers that can work faster and faster.
  4. Also your wsw had 4-7" forecast for Bow which will probably verify towards the lower end. I never saw any forecast calling for 10" def not from nws.
  5. Final mow to get rid of leaves completed. Hoping tomorrow marks the beginning of continuous snow cover for awhile.
  6. Yeah, seems it was felt over all of SNH and into MA and ME. It was within a few minutes of 11:25.
  7. @dendrite Did you feel/hear a big bang around 45 mins ago? Any idea what it was?
  8. Easiest forecasts to make in NE without even looking at any guidance are: "drought will end soon" and "not a direct hit from that tropical system".
  9. I'd like to hear much about this Jokko guy in the main thread.
  10. Turn to the north that people were looking for hasn't materialized yet.
  11. Wish it was higher resolution.
  12. No, Morgerman's hotel which is currently high and dry, not the grand isle stream.
  13. If he dies, it better be during the live stream.
  14. Found the spot. 9' asl per google earth.
  15. Their site has an overlay map at https://www.severestudios.com/ You can see the cam locations and the radar on the map.
  16. Not downplaying it but hopefully the late bloom will limit the surge some.
  17. I remember seeing the decaying appearance on satellite and posting something along the lines of New Orleans dodging the bullet and getting lucky. I was thinking about the winds and not the overall situation. We still seem to obsess over top wind speeds and barely discuss surge.
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