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Everything posted by bobbutts

  1. 2 for 2 when you highlight it it has a warning a few moments later
  2. Watching it on lightning map now, it really has been a ton just to your west.
  3. Thought maybe that would be something on the Mad River Glen webcams but it looked pretty benign from their webcam views.
  4. Didn't really need the heat anyway. High of 91 before the T-Storm, now at 82. ASH had a fairly brutal looking 97/75 obs.
  5. Don't give them any ideas about a chopper, the Cessna they fly in loops over my house for traffic patrol is loud enough already.
  6. Based on Euro would not rule out 3 days of 100+ at my location.
  7. On this euro graph one of the ensemble members shows a 109 for me on Friday https://weather.us/forecast/5083681-bow-junction/ensemble/euro/temperature Must be pretty exotic considering the ath in the State seems to 106
  8. Glad to hear it was bad, lol. I sms'd my buddy in Greenfield to warn him and would have sucked if storm was weak.
  9. Locals in Bow upset on social media about all the use of the secondary roads here for eclipse traffic. Can't put gps and maps and traffic data back in the bottle so it is what it is. 93 looks backed up from Manch/Hooksett all the way through Concord.
  10. lol there are plenty of workarounds but joking around and complaining is more fun
  11. I got power and 5g cellular and 1.2gbps symmetrical fiber and like 30 bytes of space here to upload.
  12. Looks like my security cam picked up the tree falling.
  13. Multiple trees on the road just on my frontage alone. Not sure I could get out of my hood right now. Crews are here now though. Afaik road is closed the other way too. Most of the damage was after the flip back to snow last night but another tree just fell across the road a few mins ago, I guess from warming up since there's no real wind or new precip.
  14. That's a pretty sizable area of 2' totals from around Okemo to Lebanon NH.
  15. Welp power is out, so many branches snapping. A real mess.
  16. Guess I'm going to fill a couple gas cans. Only went through the fumes from last summer's gas for this snow blower season.
  17. Yeah, I just mean you would have had to pay a ton for something that didn't work well 10 years ago and now that's not the case.
  18. Nice, 2k watts is not bad at all for the money. These things are way more viable than they were not long ago. Was just outside and it feels like snow despite my expectations for almost none from this. Makes me feel better to know that it's not that far away.
  19. I made it several years with a plug in electric show thrower. It actually is great to use up to 6" or so before it's overwhelmed. The consistently bad part is the end of the drive where the plow piles it. For larger storms just have to go out multiple times. My first gas model got messed up because some genius delivered a phone book right before a storm and it embedded itself so well in the snow thrower that I had to hack it out with a reciprocating saw and titanium blade. Never worked right after that. Finally got a larger quality gas model several years go, was well worth it.
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