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Everything posted by Chadzachadam

  1. 0.6” probably final total. 5th sub-1 inch storm of the season, winter total of 4.1” hoping to double that on Sunday
  2. Pleasantly surprised by my 0.2” here. Flakes are still tiny and the sun has been out most of the time it’s been snowing lol
  3. Schuylkill is frozen and snow-covered in Philly
  4. 0.3” here. Would gladly wake up to a new coating of snow every morning. Roads and paths look mostly wet, probably from the residual salt. Honestly wouldn’t mind a little rain to wash all the salt away, everyone uses way too much of it and it hurts the dog’s paws (he has boots but refuses to wear them) and tracks into the house
  5. Surprise second round was good to us, up to 2.3” here
  6. Snow really picked up here in the last 20 or 30 minutes. Up to 1.5"
  7. Got about 0.2" here for a total of 0.8" for the month. It was probably 70/30 snow/sleet, roads were covered but really weren't that slick because it was such a dry, fluffy snow. Up to 34 degrees now with the sun peeking out so the melt is on. I doubt we'll have much left over for Christmas morning.
  8. Elevation and tree cover made a big difference around here (NW Philly). At the bottom of the hill (lots of paved surfaces, elevation ~25ft) I would call it just a trace. At the top of the hill (lots of trees, elevation ~175ft) they got probably 1.25". I'm in the middle and have about an inch on the deck and 0.6" in the yard
  9. Just drove from West Philly to East Falls (NW Philly) through West Fairmount Park. Pretty much just cars and north-facing yards covered in the city, but it was really snowy up in the hills in Fairmount park, probably an inch on all the trees and unpaved surfaces. Here in NW Philly everything is covered but the road, maybe 1/2”
  10. Had flipped back to mostly rain for 30 minutes or so but now have light/moderate snow here as sunset approaches. 34F
  11. Moderate to heavy snow here in NW Philly. Radar really blew up right over me in the last 20 minutes. Still maybe a little rain mixed in, phone says it's 39 but thermometer on the deck says 34
  12. Looks like a bit of a bust here in NW Philly, mostly drizzle and light rain so far today with a couple periods of moderate rain. Less than 0.50” so far
  13. Around 3.5" of super wet snow here. Sloughing off cars and roofs already. 14" total for the season
  14. I'll go with 2.5" final measurement in East Falls, but there was quite a bit of melting and compacting while it was still snowing. Went for a walk up the neighborhood hill and there was noticeably more snow at the top of the hill (~200 ft elevation) than at my house (~90 ft elevation). Fun storm and should be melted pretty quickly here if we actually get to 40 degrees with sun this afternoon like the forecast suggests
  15. Think it must be just a little too warm here in NW Philly for significant accumulations since the sun came up. We have around 2 inches but only 1/4" where I cleared an hour ago despite moderate-heavy snow still falling
  16. I thought it was over but we have been back to moderate snow for the last 30-45 minutes. Looks like around 4.5" so far
  17. 3.25" in NW Philly. 0.4" - 0.5" / hour rates and still snowing moderately. Looks like right across the Delaware in South Jersey might be the jackpot when all is said and done
  18. The roads look about as bad as I've ever seen them in my neighborhood, just 2-3 inches of solid ice in most spots. Not sure if they were totally untreated/unplowed but the freezing rain to end the storm certainly didn't help. Maybe the warmer temps tomorrow will help them recover somewhat before more snow on Friday
  19. Looks like a little under 3" here in NW Philly. Light freezing rain falling now
  20. 3/4" in NW Philly. Rate has slowed a bit in the last 20 minutes or so
  21. Looks like 5 or 6” here in East Falls but impossible to tell for sure. Sharp cutoff to the NW: https://www.weather.gov/source/crh/snowmap.html?sid=dvn
  22. Looks like over 2” here especially in places that didn’t melt this afternoon. Not much wind yet, roads are not great but not fully covered. Steady light snow
  23. Pretty interesting setup, I can't remember ever seeing a something like this for a winter storm where the primary gets started off the East Coast of Florida, plus it seems to kind of have 3 pieces of energy instead of 2 like a typical Miller A/B - does anyone have any analogs? Lmk if I'm misunderstanding something about the setup/energy transfer too Anyway, steady light snow here in East Falls (NW Philly), solid coating but not really enough to measure at this point. Hoping for 7 or 8" here
  24. Charlotte, NC got their first measurable snow in ~3 years and then ended up getting another one less than a week later. I would guess most of NC, VA, WV, and MD are at least slightly above average so far
  25. Not exactly on topic, but just wanted to note that this must be the longest foliage season I've ever seen. I've had decent color from I think the last week of October all the way through the first week of December, probably around 6 weeks in total (~3x longer than usual!). It looks like it's finally winding down now, with a few maples still holding onto some bright leaves. I guess it's been relatively mild, but I didn't think it had been so warm as to impact the foliage this significantly. Foliage definitely started a little later than usual, so I guess I'll just chalk it up to climate change and a long summer. Anyone else notice this or have any explanation?
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