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Everything posted by DJln491

  1. Hope the CT hill towns do well. I'm preparing myself for slop at best here in death valley. Anything better than that will be a win.
  2. They've held up well considering the winter we've had. But yeah, would be nice to get a dumping of real snow on the trails.
  3. Thanks for this! NYC suffering the most having only received 9% of their average snowfall. 9%!
  4. I support the Canuck model. Is there a Tim Horton's around here?
  5. Stay safe. Tell family members your exact route
  6. Yup so far the gfs has had the mid-long range weenie vision and anything that came to fruition saw the eps slowly caving. Maybe we flip the script on this one? Hope so
  7. nice ticks south. prepping mentally for potential drifting back north a little over the next couple days. gotta hedge for the psyche and mental well-being. btw- this is how you run a thread..."monitoring guidance"...."becoming more likely" Not loads blown on the first page with declarations of top 10 events
  8. I can't make heads or tails of these models. Any feel for conditions in White Mountains on Saturday? Supposed to ski at Cannon. gonna be periods of heavy snow?
  9. Just under 6" here. Light snow falling.
  10. 2” in West Hartford. Consistent moderate-to-heavy snow.
  11. Heavy here. Looks great in the backyard light. Consistent dump. Trouble sticking earlier but I’d say approaching an inch.
  12. Same just started here in W Hartford after a period of light snow.
  13. Looking forward to this one. Didn’t have that “snow is coming” feel at all today.
  14. This is by far the winteriest this day season. Forgot what it felt like.
  15. Blizzard of ‘23 in full swing here in W Hartford
  16. Same. The middle of that range would double my snowfall for the year
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