I don't get the allure of extreme heat. I mean what can you do in 100 degree weather? look outside at it from within a temperature controlled environment? To each his own though, if that's your thing then get after it this week.
I was over winter too, then I went to Killington last weekend and everything changed. Bring it. Just needed a little hair of the dog to remind me what the buzz feels like
I don't live there but I'm interested and watching. It's been there for multiple runs, curious to see how it evolves. Went north skiing last weekend and it was great, would love to do it again next weekend.
Killington kicked my ass yesterday. It was fun but holy shit there was so much snow. Feeling the burn today. Speaking of today -wish I was skiing, going to be amazing albeit with bigger crowds
at this point I could take it or leave it but it would be worth it just to hear my coworkers complain about these NE "winters" and how they need to move south for "better winters, and lower taxes as an added bonus"