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Everything posted by ScottieBird

  1. I really hope this performs for SE sections. The last 3 seasons have been lean.
  2. I knew this storm had potential when the Pope stepped out on his balcony and greeted the unwashed masses. Just be careful. If he's calling for a Taunton jack it'll probably occur in Montreal.
  3. Newport had 3 inches. I had an early dismissal in 4th grade. It was a good forecast. SNE was never forecast to get heavy amounts. I was surprised turning the today show on that AM seeing the big mid Atlantic totals.
  4. Some extreme SE locations haven't had a bona fide 100% snowstorm in 3 years.
  5. You do a great jobs with your maps. I greatly appreciate it.
  6. Ray, thanks for respectfully disagreeing. My comments were partially tongue in cheek. I'm a fan of your weather analysis, your sense of humor and have been for many years.
  7. Ray, I give you an A for effort but a C overall. The local weather community: private/professional/and enthusiast, choked and choked like dogs for extreme Southern and eastern sections. The forecast across the board including among respected professionals was absolutely pitiful in these areas and no one is immune from criticism for this busted forecast. Newport and New Bedford's 6-8 on the main page BOX graphic and 5-9 in the point and clicks was the weather version of Bill Buckner in game 6. I have neither fans nor followers but my 2-4 inch call for my backyard was absolutely perfect.
  8. Cory, is Trump's pollster measuring your snow? I saw Lincoln, RI on the NBC PVD affiliate at 11pm and the town right next to you had a lot more than 3 inches.
  9. You have to head west towards Foster. They had over a foot.
  10. I got my balls busted on this forum this AM for giving you Eastern folk a preview of coming attractions. Begrudgingly we gotta give the folks at the weather Channel some props for getting a better handle on this forecast than BOX or most broadcast outlets. That being said a thrilling storm. I'm sitting in a parking lot in north Kingstown, RI a few miles west of the Bay watching the snow pile up loving every minute of it.
  11. I'm in north Kingstown. Still all snow while folks across the Bay are getting porked. A good 6 inches.
  12. Ole Scottie Bird crossed Narragansett Bay and he's in NW RI. Snow intensity isn't as epic as I expected. It's snowing moderately to heavily but nothing we haven't seen before. About 7 OTG. Better than Newport LOL.
  13. This webcam is 2 miles N of the southern most tip of Newport.
  14. 50 million plus. 4 years. 0 production.
  15. Asos is reporting a 2 mile viz at BID. It ain't accumulating at that temp.
  16. Our government forecast 5-9 for New Bedford. They ain't getting anywhere near this. TWC smoked them.
  17. Kudos to the weather Channel. BOX gonna bust bad.
  18. I have an inch but it's been melting on contact at Ruggles.
  19. 2 miles farther north makes a difference from south facing areas.
  20. Dennis Rodman and Bill Laimbeer stole my snow. My feet and my back are killing me. It's time for me to retire.
  21. Not if you're on the immediate south coast east of Newport. New bedford is 34 with a viz over 1 mile. This event is DOA for us.
  22. I'm in the south end of Newport. I don't expect 4 down here. Up near the Base and the old Hi Li but not down here.
  23. Here in Newport the snow is struggling mightily to accumulate. The viz is 1 mile and the ceiling is not all that low. I suspect it'll be raining by 1. The NWS will bust badly here and the PVD cbs affiliate that copied and pasted their forecast will bust also. I should go to Cory's Pesaturo's house 40 miles up the road.
  24. Thanks for the radar updates. Yes, the new NWS radar is absolutely horrid.
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