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Everything posted by keviepoo

  1. https://music.apple.com/us/album/shes-gone/332663733?i=332663881
  2. https://music.apple.com/us/album/you-gotta-be/211424158?i=211427536
  3. Once again... I am willing it to snow... ok... everyone can relax now...
  4. Jay is a legit amateur Met in Leesburg... Storm Team LOCO is strictly pajamas inside out, ice cubes into the toilet kind of prognosticating... we have two tag lines... "Wishcasting you can trust" and "all the hype and none of the accuracy".
  5. https://www.facebook.com/groups/stormteamloco/ is following this like a hawk. Storm Team LOCO... Wishcasting you can trust!
  6. Sitting at Bear Chase Brewery in Bluemont, VA… 1250 altitude… going up the mountain in 30 minutes
  7. Yes… storm team Loco is leaving Leesburg right now to do a snow chase. We will be in Berryville in 20 minutes. Heading north on 340 towards Harpers Ferry.
  8. Ashburn, VA ... Rain started at 8am, 55 and we just heard thunder. Going to also set my alarm for the changeover
  9. Storm Team LOCO!! WIshcasting you can trust!! OK folks... I am running as fast as I can toward the football and that damn ball is going between the uprights!!
  10. Thanks for the welcome and preface... lol... just so you guys know where I am coming from... our tag line at Storm Team LOCO is... "Storm Team LOCO... wishcasting you can trust". By the way... LOCO originally meant Loudoun County VA... then my buddy and I decided... LOCO (as in crazy) was a more accurate abbreviation. Now... back to your regularly scheduled disco.
  11. Hello folks... my name is Kevin Carter and I have lurked here for a couple years... just enjoying the banter, insults, prognostications, delusions, sophisticated analysis and the ever present shit thrown up against the wall. A friend of mine and I started a weather enthusiast group on Facebook a couple years ago... Storm Team LOCO (like loco crazy)... and our group blew up to 27k members... full disclosure... I have no clue what I'm talking about... I'm just one of those clueless weather map animation idiots. Thanks for all the entertainment folks... I really enjoy reading it all.
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