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Everything posted by blueberryfaygo

  1. Its supposed to snow on Thursday!
  2. One really cool thing to do (if anyone doesnt know about it yet) is to hit Harpers ferry in an inner tube during the spring... its really fun!
  3. Eventually we will get to a place where there are no longer willing participants. I have a feeling we are a lot closer than people think. I live with a nurse that won't take it. And she knows the science. I am gonna take it.. but there is a lot that wont.
  4. How close do you think we are to getting everyone vaccinated that is willing? Seeing these eligibility requirements open up tell me that the supply is greater than the demand.
  5. No. that would completely skew the historical stats.
  6. yeah I am gonna get mine too. I feel like we all have to do our part to get through this. I just hate to see people trying to cash in on it.
  7. Its funny cause I actually work for a company that stood to make a shit ton of money on vaccine passports in Florida as they actually manage the health care notification system that would provide real time vaccine data in people. The upper management was all giddy that they were going cash on the Pandemic... then it was cancelled because some people in Florida figured out it was just a money grab. I was actually happy. The company was entering dangerous territory regarding HIPPA and Consent and privacy.. money will make people do foolish stuff sometime.
  8. yeah I just checked anyone anywhere can get on a plane.. they should probably advertise that more.. I think a lot of people think that they arent allowed to travel.
  9. Travel is not currently restricted by having/ not having vaccine. At least airline travel is not. Do you think that they will add that? Last I checked it was mostly negative PCR tests for places like Hawaii and Puerto Rico and honor system for everywhere else. The only thing I could see happening would be the federal govt stepping in and mandating stuff.. like vaccine requirements.. and that quickly getting overridden by sensible states like Florida.
  10. Something really interesting to note is that 17 years ago the hight concentration of cicadas I remember was my Girlfriends house in Randallstown. And she literally had just moved in to a brand new development where there were hardly any old trees and the straw was still on the ground in many places where they just planted grass.. I am thinking that it might have been just the opposite there where the construction displaced them and caused some sort of major swarm.
  11. This models gives me lots of digital cicadas... I highly doubt we will get in to the yellow lie this predicts
  12. So far this is a bust in my neck of the woods.
  13. wow.. take 2003 out of the equation and that stretch from 97-09 was really bad! I think there was something decent in the winter of 07.. maybe late in the season.. but that was it...
  14. Every time I see rescue I think of this:
  15. Oh its definitely not on a dedicated circuit. I had the box upgraded, new ground put in and dedicated circuit run up for the kitchen a few years ago...
  16. I just got done running... first day where the heat slowed me down.. grill sounds like a good idea.
  17. I rewired my entire bathroom this winter.. GFCIs.. wall mounted candle lights. It was hard work.. I have new found respect for your profession The hardest thing for me was the stress of not really knowing what I was doing.. just added a lot of pressure to research/ learn and make sure everything was right.
  18. Oh I see now.. it was an honest question.. I thought something was happening in the electric industry..
  19. Why did you figure an increase would happen?
  20. I was there for that one too!!!! I also was on the news as a proud participant for the "running of the urinals". There really was no better tradition than that. Some times when I look back and ask my self.. when was I the happiest? What was "peak" my "pinnacle"? I often think back to that day. IMHO they actually completely ruined Preakness when they stopped letting people bring in their own cans.
  21. I am pretty much free to do whatever I want as long as I get my work done.. but this is actually a weekend deal in Denver
  22. Do you think its gonna be windy on Tuesday and Wed? I sure hope not.. or maybe just a light southerly breeze. A brisk westerly can mess up these March Early Spring days.
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