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Everything posted by blueberryfaygo

  1. I wish they would just play football all year..
  2. Rangers (baseball) are 100% capacity with no masks! I think I might have to move to Texas. Just not Austin.
  3. Man.. drinking during my childhood was truly one of best memories of my life.. driving around with the boys.. jumping off the cliffs up in loch raven... Ocean City.. sneaking in to the bars.. We even used to have these day drinking parties where instead of going to school we would go to a friends house whose parents were gone for the day and we would get totally smashed! Check out the movie Dazed and Confused.. it really is a right of passage.
  4. Would any be interested in selling a couple hundred dollars worth of collectibles on ebay on a commission basis?
  5. How do rich people get around paying taxes.. I just did mine and I owe like 60K... I didnt lie about anything.. dont they have accountants that know like what you are allowed to lie about or something?
  6. I thought that we had some engaging conversation. A few people got a little out of line.. but I thought it was fine
  7. The word "Karen" is racist. Imagine if it was Keisha and referred to bitchy black women. Anyways.. yeah.. I had some Karen close calls.. I will test out up the Safeway in Olney today and report back.
  8. jeez Hagerstown.. I would have thought that they would have went maskless up there already. Every store that I went to still had there signs up.. but the signs dont actually mean anything.. the point is that there are no longer public health orders in MD to enforce the mask stuff... So even if a store wants you to wear yours.. there is very little they can do to compel you to wear one. They can really only ask you to leave. Anyways.... I am healthy adult and so is my wife and kids. What that means is that I have a greater risk of dying from something else than Corona Virus and it really doesnt pose a real risk to me. Therefore I have always thought that the most responsible thing that I can do in this situation is go out and try and get a mild case of COVID while at the same time completely avoid my parents as they had a much higher risk Thats even more important for the kids.. closing the schools was probably the biggest mistake that they made from the very beginning.. Closing the schools, but keeping the Walmart open, basically made it so that the there was a higher percent of severe covid cases in the elderly and at risk population vs the healthy population. Gradually the virus spread with very little natural defense.. causing many of hundreds of thousands of premature deaths of elderly population in the country. I really think that we are going to see a correction in the mortality rate because of this over the next couple of years.. dry tinder
  9. Well it WAS a saturday and I had a legit business at each of these places. But I also really wanted to test the water. I had my mask in my pocket and was ready to put it on as soon as someone asked.. I do that because of Social Media and cell phone cameras. Otherwise.. I would only put a mask on if threatened with arrest.
  10. The daily cases were already in a very sharp decline in January way before vaccine-based immunity took hold. This indicates that the severe wave we saw in November and December played a significant role in creating natural immunity. It would have been nice to have the vaccine before that.. but even with the unprecedented financial backing and regulatory support of the previous administration and the failed "hide until the vaccine" policy.. we were not able to overcome the natural immune process. It really makes you wonder, with how this virus disproportionally effects the older and at risk population, if states like Florida, that went the "focused protection" route had it right all along. The crazy thing is is that there were people at the top of the infectious disease game from Universities like Oxford and Stanford that were screaming this from the beginning and no one wanted to listen.
  11. I can tell you 100% for sure that in Howard County it is the shoppers self regulating and not the shops.. yesterday I went to all of the following without a mask on: Columbia Mall Barnes and Noble Ellicott City Walmart At each location I made a point of it to go somewhere where I had to interact with staff members/ security. At every place I was the ONLY person without a mask on and not once was I asked to put the mask on. I had two close calls, which proves that the staff members have been reluctantly informed that they are not allowed to impose their own rules outside of the CDC policy - some teenage kid who was "standing guard" at a store in the mall, told me.. "I can't tell you to put your mask on, but.. but.. well that's all I have to say" the first women to check me out of Barnes and Noble shook her head, sighed in discuss and grabbed her manager keys and walked away and someone else had to check me out. So this is actually really awesome news. If the "choose civility" howard county MD people can't make you where masks.. it is just a matter of time before people start catching on, start going places without their masks on and this awful nightmare will be over.
  12. I had some royal farms hand sanitizer last night. 190 proof.
  13. I got vaccinated cause I am going to hawaii in June
  14. Its funny cause the first people that are gonna walk in to a store or business without a mask are gonna be the people who dont give a shit and never got vaccinated in the first place.
  15. I think its over....... I think we should all go to walmart without a mask on and see what happens.
  16. The elephant in the room is the fact that no one takes in to account natural immunity as a supplement to vaccine. In that respect, it would follow that those who are vaccine hesitant or those who are diametrically opposed would also be the same group that would have the highest incidence of natural immunity from previous infection. In other words if you don't believe in the vaccine then you probably thought that you were doing your part by going out and getting infected to contribute to natural immunity.
  17. This.. it doesnt make any sense.. it would if supplies were limited and there was a wait for vaccines.. but this is not the case at all. It doesnt make any sense at all.. I have seen polling data suggesting that more than 30% of the population will simply never get the vaccine. Knowing this and making policy like "we will remove the mandate when the those who refuse eventually comply".. is actually wrong. At some point it becomes a personal choice.
  18. Well I wear one everywhere (indoors) cause I guess its still the right thing to do.. and I got vaccinated. I just am afraid that people are gonna drag this thing out as long as possible as out of contempt for those who dont want the vaccine. IMHO thats just wrong on so many levels.
  19. Do you guys think that there will be perpetual mask mandates as retribution for vaccine choice? Like if we only hit 70% fully vaccinated.. do you think that there will be pressure to keep mask mandates in place with policy saying "once we hit a certain percentage, we will lift the mandates"? I ask this because it seems that once there is viable supply.. ie.. anyone who wants a vaccine can get one, then public health orders are not really protecting any that want to be protected... In otherwords.. if you dont want a vaccine.. then you are taking the risk.. but if you want it.. you are protected
  20. I am really confused.. I went to Starbucks in Target today and the barista asked me.. "before I get your coffee I wanted to make sure that you were done with your shopping" I answered yes and she got my coffee and I paid.. at the very end I asked her.. "What is it? Are people getting their coffee and walking around the store with it?" She said "Yes.. and Target doesnt mind if people pull down there mask to have a sip when shopping, but I need to make sure that people are done before serving them" What does that mean? Does that mean that she is taking matters in to her own hands because Target is failing to enforce her interpretation of the already convoluted mask rules?
  21. I thought they always gave horses steroids..
  22. It was awfully weird to see people indoors at the Kentucky Derby with no masks... I keep forgetting that there are places that are a little different than our area in this country.
  23. Did someone start may long range'?
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