Puts them at 23.2” for the season officially at the airport. Which is now an ABOVE average snow season. Northeast airport is officially over 30” for the year...
Skies darkening rapidly in the city now. Very heavy returns just to the southwest. A wall of snow is encroaching on the city. Travel should quickly become challenging ...
Incredible conditions right now in northeast Philly. Baseball size snowflakes crashing down with some sleet. Never saw snow flakes this size before. Quite the site. 90/10 Snow currently
7.1” now here. Snowing at an incredible rate again. Visibly a few hundred feet. Parts of the area going for 10-14” no doubt. Reports out of eastern montco. approaching a foot already and heavy snow is continuing
Yep. That band was incredible around 6 am. Heaviest rates of the season here. Parts of extreme lower bucks and eastern montco going to end up with 8-12”. If sleet holds off even more
Half a foot now in far northeast Philly. 19116 Moderate snow now. Under that last heavy band did have some sleet but has gone back to all snow small flakes.