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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. When will the 18z Euro come out? I thought it was around 7pm when people would post the maps.
  2. I think it makes it trend worse if it is a warning but better if it is an advisory.
  3. Man, the latest GFS-v16 is a great storm for us a solid thump followed by sleet and then ice but never goes above freezing before the precip moves out then an artic blast a day later to keep the snow around on the ground instead of melting. I would take that in a heartbeat doubt it happens though.
  4. Does the 18z Euro look better, the same or worse than the 12z
  5. I think it is the Hallett-Massop process that caused them.
  6. Weird, not even the pines are sagging where I am plenty of sleet though but almost no ice buildup.
  7. Seeing everyone say how either they are getting ice or just no ice accretion is weird because for me at least there has been almost no ice on the trees. There is also no glaze of ice except on the deck but the roads are sleet covered and so is the yard. Seems at least for me to be more of a sleet storm.
  8. Over the past 15 minutes it went from light freezing rain and sleet to heavy sleet no freezing rain and then to a mix of heavy sleet and super tiny snowflakes and now a mist a very tiny snowflakes. I also went on a walk 15 minutes ago.. it turned to snow right after I finished. Well played.
  9. Here near Reston some pixie dust snowflakes mixing in with heavy sleet.
  10. Went from freezing rain to sleet and is sleeting heavily hopefully we could get some more cooling in the upper levels to turn it to snow.
  11. You know a good ice storm for us on Saturday if it knocks out the power and thus the form would probably be good for all of our mental health.
  12. Its so close, it looks good, will it happen?
  13. It looks decent and will probably be far enough north to have light snow.
  14. Is there any chance that these ice storms could turn into snow storms?
  15. Radar looks good but will probably die to the mountains.
  16. Alright we just made a thread how much longer till the storm collapses. On a more serious note it does look pretty likely at least .2 inches of ice should fall and since I have never lived through an actual ice storm what would it be like?
  17. For Saturday it looks like it is back to everyone V the Nam model. We all know what happens.
  18. I'm starting to think that if we want snow in DC or Fairfax County we need a nuclear winter.
  19. We also do 20s before a storm then right before it comes its in the mid 30s really well, what a great region.
  20. I think that a trace means that there is snow falling but none on the ground while a coating means that there is some on the ground.
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