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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Near constant lightning and very well organized look to the cell south of me sort of super cellular looking with the base but no rotation.
  2. DCA 101 RIC 103 IAD 104 BWI 103 Think I might be late but putting it in anyways
  3. Have had some moderate rain for about 3 ish hours here I would think but starting to lighten up.
  4. Had a storm form right over me just south of Reston and got half an inch of rain according to my probably messed up weather station in the 10 minutes the storm lasted. Rained super hard and it was pretty cool watching a cloud form over you then just dump rain. No thunder or lightning whatsoever.
  5. Replace east with west and you have where the convective band sets up with every winter storm.
  6. Could you pass some of that over here, I have not had any rain all week.
  7. The best part about this storm is that the second it left the general thunder storm and went to the marginal zone the storms formed a line and intensified.
  8. Man this is a textbook example of a DC split, which I can say I am part of.
  9. Seems like something is trying to form. On visible it almost looks like a hook echo is trying to form.
  10. Yeah, well its no match for the RGEM Fairfax county jackpot tomorrow.
  11. Wait, the 3k Nam has the DC split on Friday, we all know that means it is going to happen.
  12. Latest 3km Nam looking barely any convection, I am not smart enough to know why this happens but it looks bad.
  13. Is it too predictable to make a lock it in joke?
  14. You know you could of told us to get popcorn because that was a popcorn worthy short story.
  15. I went to the pool earlier it was warmer in the pool than outside, I don't know how to feel about that.
  16. 0.64'' for my the first round here got it all in 20 ish minutes super close to nothing though, the area 10 miles west got missed by both areas.
  17. It had around three total frames of an actual couplet
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