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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Sunny out here and clouds broke up right as swim practice started at 9 30 so glad I put on sunscreen using my knowledge of the radar.
  2. No way. Why does this keep happening I am getting fringed again. Am interested to see what happens when the two storm systems collide.
  3. It still is elevation dependent so if nothing else virtual Mt Psu still got something.
  4. Found this fun little storm simulation that I've spent countless hours on and thought I should share it with you guys. It gets updated every couple months or so. Also linked the person who makes it YouTube. This is the site and this is the video from the guy who makes it. just so you know I don't think it works with chrome but I know it works with *shudder Internet Explorer. Anyways you people should try it you can simulate storms that will always miss you in real life!
  5. That stupid storm dissipated just before it got to me then reformed into the line to the south missed rain again.
  6. Whos ready for the good ole storms form on the Mason Dixon line and looks good and aimed at the DC area, then fall apart right around Leesburg with the outflow missing by a mile to the west.
  7. From someone who is a swimmer I had swim practice this morning. I got to get up at 4am and then swim for over an 2 hours, all year round except for August. My All stars is next week so I should technically go to all star practice as well but I don't have to. I got in All stars in back, breaststroke and freestyle I think I am seated right around 5-7th for all of them out of all divisions so it should be fun. Though swim is fun it can be a bit much. I also had the team's end of year celebration for swim on Saturday which was great, I got the trophy for my age group for most points at A meets and my age group won the division! I'm going to take a nap now.
  8. Maybe a complex is trying to form? Would hit the area if it does I guess something to keep an eye on.
  9. What storm, it looks like a pretty good one also thanks for a new desktop background lol.
  10. I guess I should be glad I got anything (0.1ish) but the rain shaft of the storm that developed just to the West stealing the energy from the storms that would hit was within half a mile. I could see the rain ugh.
  11. Right under that cell that formed near Dulles, it was pretty cool to watch the cloud form and then light rain start before thunder and lightning. Now heavy rain and you can tell the atmosphere is ready to explode.
  12. Yet another example of rapid intensification/unforcasted intensification.
  13. Had to go to the A meet today and I think I am melting.
  14. Had my IM tough meet on Monday, it was ok and I got third in my age group but my turns were not ideal at best. Would of rather had some storms but you get what you get.
  15. Watched a cloud build to my south and now has dropped some super light rain, crazy how quick it built but no real storms nearby except to my north by a bit. Wondering if outflow from those developing storms help this cloud to rise so fast. Hope we can get more activity though.
  16. Storms firing right along and in front of the outflow boundary and seeing clouds build around me. Maybe there is still hope for us DC crew.
  17. Hey at least short pump won’t get fringed.
  18. This thread is already so depressing, someone should start a panic room.
  19. 0.7 ish inches of rain here, got a thunderstorm that put down around 0.64 then got a band of rain overnight (I would assume anyways) and got an additional 0.07. Saw clouds exit out to the east/north this morning and that was that.
  20. Definitely something although the rotation is not too tight… yet.
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