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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Really good convection question is does it hold.
  2. Looking at the IR and I honestly think this storm is going to get shredded. Does not really matter where the circulation is when the convection will die unless I truly don’t know what is going on. It just feels like this thing is going to get shredded to me unless we get some good convection to the north.
  3. In western fairfax just got missed by a severe storm to the south and north with another storm developing off to the East. ugh
  4. We have said this everyday for the past three days... concerning to say the least.
  5. Though something I find terrible but also funny they made us start earlier years ago and got rid of half day Mondays (might of just been for grades 1-6) but still. The funny part is, that they gave us 20 extra snow days! When will we ever use those, I mean pretty lame excuse for making the school year longer. I give it a D-
  6. Oh Fairfax County schools can just go jump, why do we start school before labor day and get out June 13th or something? Then THEN they cancelled online schooling for everyone. WHY some people could of used that if they don't feel comfortable going back into school or if they work better at home. AT the very least offer hybrid and that's ignoring the spike in cases right now! WHY CANT THE BE LIKE LOUDON COUNTY SCHOOLS! Sorry talk of schools touched a nerve.
  7. Posted this in the tropical weather thread but this more or less is the main thread after the uh interesting adventures of Ampedvort and friends. Might be overanalyzing but seeing some new towers in the forward and almost underside of the storm. Maybe this might is hinting at the storm getting its act together?
  8. Might be overanalyzing but seeing some new towers in the forward and almost underside of the storm. Maybe this might be hinting at the storm getting its act together?
  9. Remember to take care of yourself, you are a great help to the tropical threads.
  10. Wait I know this is most likely from someone who gets more than a little more excited than normal but can't storms sometimes have convective bursts when passing over mountains even though they destroy the storms circulation? So for weaker storms could this happen or is there no way this happens?
  11. The ignore button does exist. Also Vortamp/AmpedVort chill a little please you don't have to but I think people might like you more on this thread if you did.
  12. fraid it might be too early to spot an eye with the nighttime convective burst I'll try but doubt it, maybe AmpedVort can find one?
  13. Thought this was interesting if not sad. I use this website https://www.weather.gov/media/lwx/climate/dcasnow.pdf to find snow totals for past winters when people refence ones I am unfamiliar with. Though I looked at the data and back when the data begins in the late 19th century winters with below 10 inches of snow were rare one in six maybe. Now they are around half of our winters and having 5 winters with 10 inches of snow or more would be exceptional. Shows what we all know to be truth (hopefully) climate change is affecting our winters and each year it gets harder for snow to win out.
  14. .62 the curse has been broken for me.
  15. This good enough for you even if it is at the end of the GFS run?
  16. Maybe he also watched back to the future.
  17. Got a record that I have been off by 0.3ish all season long free (50meters)(record 26.94)(my swim 26.49ish), oh thank goodness. My teammate has been right next times wise and it sucks he could not get it as well.
  18. At all stars for swimming and got to watch an amazing sun rise.
  19. 0.00 Storms formed right ahead of me killing the ones that would hit me seems to happen every time for the last couple weeks. Starting to get feed up by this. First storm died on doorstep second line died and reformed after last night where I was a mile off from heavy rain I really think I might do better with snow than storms now.
  20. First storm died on the doorstep and the second looks to go to the south ugh.
  21. Will the spell be broken or will it end like every other storm for the past almost three weeks? I do have two shots so just like in basketball I can’t wait to miss both.
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