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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Well DC is getting dry slotted so its not as far fetched as you think
  2. With it going all the way out to 384 it will be interesting to see what it does.
  3. Here is the code for it the part at the very bottom is the border I made to (hopefully?) make it look like a painting, this was all we learned in four weeks. It is a slow class. Also learned nothing of any real world value. Rect(0,0,400, 400, fill=gradient('lightYellow', 'darkOrange', 'darkRed','darkSlateBlue', start='top')) Oval(165,300,140,130,fill='yellow', opacity=20) Circle(165,300,40, fill=rgb(253,255,107), border=rgb(255,215,80)) Circle(165,300,60, fill=None , border=rgb(255,215,80), dashes=(4, 15), borderWidth=15) Polygon(0,0 ,400,0, 250,110 ,90,170,165,210,0,210,fill=gradient('lightGrey', 'silver','grey','black', start='top') , opacity=70) Polygon(200,300, 310,80, 600,400, 165, 400, fill=gradient('white', 'black', start='top')) Polygon(200,300, 380,50, 600,400, 165, 400, fill=gradient('white', 'black', start='top')) Polygon(250,250,350,200, 600,270,265,340, fill=gradient('grey', 'black', start='top')) Polygon(150,400,240,180, 370,270,265,340, fill=gradient('darkGrey', 'black', start='top')) Polygon(165,290, 250,250, 350,260,265,340, fill=gradient('forestGreen','darkGreen', start='bottom')) Polygon(0,290, 80,270,165,290, 265,340, 400,400, 0,400, fill=gradient('forestGreen','darkGreen', start='top')) Polygon(165,400,265,330, 350,260,400,240, 400,400, fill=gradient('forestGreen','Green', start='top')) Polygon(0,210,165,210, 50,400 ,0,400, fill=gradient('darkBlue', 'lightBlue', start='top'), opacity=30) Polygon(0,210,165,210, 80,270 ,0,290, fill=gradient('darkBlue', 'lightBlue', start='top'), opacity=30) Line(250,110, 255,130, fill='yellow', opacity=60) Line(250,110, 255,130, fill='yellow', opacity=20, lineWidth=5) Line(250,110, 255,130, fill='yellow', opacity=10, lineWidth=10) Line(250,105, 255,130, fill='yellow', opacity=5, lineWidth=20) # second lightning Line(255,130, 240,180, fill='yellow', opacity=60) Line(255,130, 240,180, fill='yellow', opacity=20, lineWidth=5) Line(255,130, 240,180, fill='yellow', opacity=10, lineWidth=10) Line(255,130, 240,180, fill='yellow', opacity=5, lineWidth=20) # Third Bolt Line(255,130, 280,150, fill='yellow', opacity=60) Line(255,130, 280,150, fill='yellow', opacity=20, lineWidth=5) Line(255,130, 280,150, fill='yellow', opacity=10, lineWidth=10) Line(255,130, 280,150, fill='yellow', opacity=5, lineWidth=20) # Border Rect(0,0, 400,400, fill=None, border='black', borderWidth=10)
  4. In programming right now, and finished my unit project which was painting with python, which was really slow and easy but made a picture.
  5. Post your observations, picture and general fall foliage topics. You could also post things about fall in general but try to keep it to foliage. Thought it would be a good idea considering next week looks cooler and there is some slight colors on the trees already. Thanks to @Maestrobjwa for reminding me, I thought about this topic earlier in the week but just remembered after you mentioned it and better to make it sooner than later.
  6. Found a preview of this winter except for one storm that hammers North Carolina but gets suppressed.
  7. Also it falls on the run at the evening not even early morning which makes it even more impressive.
  8. It does seem to be taking over recently. Wonder if when the MDR appears more inactive the storms remain as waves over it and then take off in the Caribbean making the difference even more pronounced.
  9. I need the latest 18z model run of the GFS.
  10. Seems to have jogged East in the past hour or so, which gives it more time to strengthen.
  11. Just like clockwork a new storm was just named with U.S impacts expected.
  12. Hey, my "friend" thought it would be funny if he logged in under the name SnowenInThere or something like an alt account and spam the site, this is not me. So just a heads up to the mods and such, I doubt he will but it would not be beyond him. In other words it is about as likely as Ji getting excited about a snow event but just in case wanted to make this message.
  13. YAY, Now we get get fantasy snow storms on the models by October not December, lets go!
  14. I bet a lot of people are pretty surprised about this storm but anytime you have a tropical anything over the gulf you got to pay attention if you life on the coast.
  15. Fixed once again, thank you for telling me still new to making threads and stuff so it’s fine to bug me.
  16. Just edit your original post for the thread and change the title. Fixed, thank you.
  17. Sorry, I don't know how to change its name... how do you?
  18. I guess the wedge won out once again.
  19. Since the storm is over the gulf now and could be threat to the U.S if it can get it's act together thought it was time for a thread, though it will most likely be nothing but a rainmaker.
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