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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Going against Westfield tonight for swim and meridian tomorrow both at 6:30. Wondering when I'll go against @H2O 's team. Swimming 100 free and 400 free relay tonight. 200 IM and 200 free + 400 free relay tomorrow. Like my events a lot more than last week.
  2. Had no idea why I could not upload anything, realized that you can delete your old ones. So to anyone out there as stupid as me I hope this helps.
  3. Like I said don't want to take any attention away from the torchtober thread... yet.
  4. With what the smart people have said around here and the GFS continuing (even at the end of it's run) to have a period of cold and potential snow, maybe this could be the year where we get some snow near Christmas.
  5. Thought I saw some snow outside so got up to look and we have some light snow outside.
  6. Nothing, not even any flurries. With @H2O In the fairfax county snowhole.
  7. Yeah don’t want to take away the spotlight from the tochtober thread.
  8. End of the GFS has a Christmas Eve snowstorm in the works
  9. All of this discussion is well and good but when do I start seeing fantasy snow storms again?
  10. Just wanted to apologize for any irritations I might have caused to posters.
  11. Once again would like to say that I am sorry for starting this thread but I still think it is better to have a thread than not, even for non-events like these. It keeps all of the negative energy and discussion in one place as well as being something we can look back at. Like I said next time I will simply wait for someone else to make one or less than 36 hours before an event. Hope this did not cause anyone to get too upset.
  12. Main reason I made it, seems to have worked with how this has 7 pages of false hope and now banter + whining. So I would say this thread fulfilled it's mission of keeping this storm's "discussion" out of the main thread.
  13. 3 to 4 days ago there was the potential that this could be an up to 4 inch snowstorm if things came together. Several members acknowledged that this event had the potential to be a decent little storm for December. Now starting a thread Saturday was too early and I will just wait for someone else to start one in the future.
  14. Thanks to the renaming of a thread to be supportive now the system can't fail and will give us the boom scenario of 2 whole inches of snow.
  15. Alright storm got to do good now according to the curse rules and how we have to be supportive
  16. You got it all wrong, since starting a thread is bad for storms if we call it a non event we use reverse psychology to make it a real event.
  17. I guess the north trend is dead, probably will be resuscitated when we have a marginal event.
  18. I mean the NAM did do very well last winter so I guess there is still hope.
  19. While walking to the bus this afternoon and thinking how it’s going to snow in 2 days and it sort of seems wrong. It feels sort of like spring, weirder weather was happened though.
  20. Thanks, do I place it on the ground or elevated held up by some supports?
  21. Since we might have our first snow board worthy event could anyone recommend how to set one up for my backyard? Just using basic materials and household items.
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