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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. I bought a new sled so if it fails then you can blame me and @WeatherShak for buying snow related items.
  2. I started it by just saying "I think the Nams went south". Sorry about that
  3. I think the NAMs shifted south
  4. Seems smart and is about how the mid Atlantic will cool before the snow.
  5. I want this storm to be the GFS route not only because it snows a lot but also the panic it would cause. Imagine people wake up tomorrow and see their weather app saying a foot for DC, people would freak out.
  6. How when according to some models it should be snowing in 27 hours are we at the GFS saying 15 for DC, Euro saying an inch or two, CMC with 2ish and icon with less than an inch. But all of them are adjusting to be like the odd one out. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS.
  7. Y’all talking about the NAM. Then there is this
  8. Rain snow line in the same place where the precip cutoff was last run. Pretty funny.
  9. When is a good time to get concerned about mixing for the cities, if this trend continues that is.
  10. Hope the ICON shifts north for the 0z.
  11. Nah I getting 8 inches of snow Monday what do you mean. The best part is, when I checked to make the joke I was like, wow, I want what its smoking.
  12. Anyone have the 18z Euro or is it not out yet?
  13. How could you, just root for the Friday one instead.
  14. Watch the 18z GFS after sticking with its solution just turn into the NAM after the other models start to come to its solution.
  15. Wait this is genius, when we start threads most of the time the storms trend north to screw us over. So now it will trend north. Flawless logic.
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