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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Just got into the band, amazing outside huge flakes and heavy rates, fluff factor off the charts
  2. 1.5 inches of snow, precip going to be over within 45 minutes so will get less than two hours of precip. Also getting stuck between bands. Pretty out though.
  3. Super heavy snow outside, flakes are small though.
  4. Liking the radar returns north of Charlottesville. Looks aimed at DC
  5. Hey, how much snow did you get? FCPS has been closed and my friends/family have asked why, I've said how southern Fairfax got hit hard but I forgot how hard you got hit. 8 inches, 10 inches or a foot plus?
  6. Sorry, gen Z here, that won't work so well for my generation, learn how to play video games.
  7. gives as much snow as the last event, lock it IN!
  8. Have you been to a public school?
  9. The distance learning still is not the best and also has not been tested this school year. It would be an absolute mess trying to set that up because they hate giving us directions so just let it be a day off. Yesterday I went sledding with some other friends from FCPS we got at least 10 times more memorable than any school day. I can also attest that this more than anything the school does helps me and my friends mental health.
  10. we get 5 snow days then I don’t know what happens. Also have you no care for the mental health of kids?
  11. South fairfax got a foot I got 7 inches in western fairfax county and the roads are still a mess
  12. Hey guys how did the Euro do last storm 60 hours out. Let’s remember that before we jump off the edge.
  13. Where is my congratulations? I’m even in the same school district.
  14. Might get some freezing rain to protect the potential snow pack
  15. Hey, every winter they get far less snow than you, it’s ok for them to jackpot some.
  16. Yet we as a society have to solve climate change and people cannot understand snow can accumulate after it was 60. Scares me
  17. If you are a snow weenie when won’t we buy the RGEM.
  18. I'll be happy with that, would prefer a different outcome but already got my snow fix for a while.
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