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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Sadly we barely miss the best part of round two as the secondary bombs out a little too far north
  2. It’s pulling off the phase instead of having the piece of what I assume is the polar vortex kick it out to sea
  3. I think some of the 1/6 storms energy got moved to the next event
  4. @NorthArlington101 I'm sure there are some fun individual runs from the 18z GEFS if you wouldn't mind dropping them
  5. Anything in particular about this sounding that stands out meteorologically wise? I’d like to learn more about what makes a “good” snow sounding vs a “bad” one. Currently all I know to look for is the if there is any above freezing bits and if DGZ life is strong
  6. Well in all fairness I wouldn’t bet the house on the entirety of Florida getting a hard freeze
  7. I’m pretty sure it’s just a sign of boredom. The pattern change is coming but the first real threat window is 7 days away and the main ones are still 10 days away, so right now it’s just killing time
  8. I’m going to trust this with my life and blame you if it doesn’t happen
  9. Is it sad I would consider this a complete win for the pattern we're getting?
  10. He shouldn't worry, after all the ice storm on the 12th will make sure it doesn't melt too fast
  11. NAM 3k came in significantly wetter, with most areas around .1 of ice
  12. Hey we got snow on snow last year, why not go for it again this year
  13. Gfs has been consistent in advertising at least some flurries areawide
  14. Reminds me a lot of the late November storm but slightly colder so the elevation needed to see accumulation could reach down to the suburbs vs the mountains.
  15. I’m at 36.5, flew my drone up around 200 feet and could see how it was snow before melting on the way down
  16. I’m in Reston and it’s raining so count yourself lucky being a couple miles west of me
  17. Euro was also decently close to something too
  18. Don't think the Euro run is gonna look great with a far flatter western ridge
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