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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Radar really filling in for Fairfax and the band from DC is also heading my way and it is almost all snow falling might get a late hail Mary save for me.
  2. On the radar it looks like DC is getting a good band that might rotate over to me what is the precip rate over there?
  3. Snowing pretty good here after getting sleet around 8am then nothing until now.
  4. This is the hardest it has snowed since yesterday morning.
  5. In western Fairfax its snowing again with maybe some sleet in there but I am just so glad to be out of the dry slot and pixie dust and into actual snow. Hope it keeps snowing just under 3'' inches currently.
  6. When will the dry slot in Fairfax county end or is it going to be a huge bust for us?
  7. In Fairfax county when will snow showers and accumulating snow start to fill back in here.
  8. Just light flurries in Herndon hope that snow picks up again.
  9. Here in Herndon it is now mainly snow (yay) problem is it is pixie dust snowflakes. When should should we get actual snow flakes and what causes pixie dust to happen?
  10. The radar is lighting up area wide we just got to get rid of that warm air aloft also I think some snow might be mixing in here.
  11. Here in Herndon it is still sleeting heavily anyone got an idea when it should switch.
  12. Heavy sleet in Herndon and the radar looks good just need the warm pocket to collapse with the heavy precip because if it does this could end up better than I thought for our area.
  13. We should never trash talk the NAM model again. It nailed this event.
  14. I would be happy with some 1-3'' of snow today and Tuesday also does anyone have a map of where the low pressure is? The radar looks good it looks like it is going to start to fill in some.
  15. 24 here in Herndon looks like yesterday execpt the pine trees are about to crack and we got a good .1 inch of ice it looks nice though.
  16. It's going to be so close to a major event that will surprise everyone in this area leading to mass hysteria. Just 50 more miles which is in line with the trend and we are even DC looking at 6 plus from this. Also I find it ironic that the NAM after everyone ripped into and brought us nothing is now one of our best model for snow and everyone all the sudden likes it... weird.
  17. Still better than a miller B but I know what you mean those can be great for our area.
  18. At least we don't need to deal with a Miller B style storm like today and it is just a miller A storm and we just have to worry about it raining or going to the south.
  19. So here in Herndon we never got any bands that gave us more snow and we are sitting at a little under 3'' total on the ground. I do have a question though and since the low just formed is it in a better place to give me snow? It seems like it is along with the gravity waves off it we could be pleasantly surprised but I don't really know and could someone who knows what they are doing break it down for me.
  20. Just looked at the 12z Euro run and it has a major Miller A nor' easter over us next Sunday or in a week, wow!
  21. Still pixie dust in Western Fairfax County more than a little jealous about everyone posting how this has saved the storm and how great this band is. Also the gravity waves are a good sign that the second part of the storm could be better than expected. At least it is down to 28 degrees so mixing seems unlikely and good snowfall ratios.
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