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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. That would kill the event I say we never make separate threads that way it snows because thats how it works.
  2. Got .3 before almost all of it washed away and raining 33 degrees Fairfax is the new Snowhole. Though to make a storm more enjoyable I would recommend being in a mind set of this storm does not owe me anything and it is indifferent to me so I should be indifferent to it.
  3. I think after this storm I am just going to take a break from weather and from here until Friday 12z runs its just not worth it.
  4. I mean I would rather have none that way the snow we got still is on the ground tomorrow.
  5. Rain 33 degrees I just wanted the .25 of snow and sleet we got to remain by tomorrow. I give up with this oh well we got Sunday and next week.
  6. That band looks lined up to hit me even if it is sleet it would be nice. On an slightly related topic I would like to introduce the new game show How Does The Band Miss. To our south, to our north or just dies take your bets now before it's to late.
  7. Here near Reston we went from snow to sleet to graupel to snow again 33 degrees and a solid coating.
  8. Went from snow to sleet to graupel here but still pretty heavy. Already have a coating so worst case is off the table.
  9. Fun being in the middle of Western Fairfax
  10. Grass whitened good flakes and moderate snow 34 degrees also the main event looks to be shot right at us I'm assuming that's good for us.
  11. The NAM gives us a good snow event this Weekend which is nice because the NAM is apparently is the new king this winter.
  12. Here in Fairfax roads are already white... with salt.
  13. The Euro gives over 2 inches of ice total from the Weekend into next week with two different storms the whole area would be in shambles, no power for weeks any chance it can turn into a snow storm?
  14. The Nam 12z stinks for anyone not in Maryland I mean we get 2 hours of snow and 2 of ice then rain. Unlikely but not great for morale.
  15. I understand why people are and should be happy if you are in the northern area of the map but for people near me in Reston it trended to a mix event which is all ready bad and then the second wave looks bad too. If you are still all snow for wave one then you are fine but otherwise I can understand the upset mood. Personally I am a little upset because this always happens but it could change and even if it does not 2-4 still is a decent storm and flakes outside is always appreciated.
  16. Also I mean we got the northward shift and it looks to destroy my snowfall totals but for the wave we need one its not, always fun to track storms.
  17. Feel like it's going to be where I am near Reston because the first wave will be mix and slop then the second will miss to my south. I really hope that this does not happen but it might.
  18. Wow, this is a little disappointing seems to happen with every storm but it still gives us 3-5 inches of snow in DC and all snow. There is still time for it to trend back towards us too but can't lie and say this is not a little disheartening.
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