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About CorePunch

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Detroit - Grosse Pointe
  • Interests
    Weather, guitars, and fine swiss watches.

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  1. The GFS slaps Detroit with nearly 15” over the next 36hrs. Been a hot minute since the city has seen that.
  2. Looks like some formidable winter tries to settle in a round the lakes. The palm guy isn’t going to be happy.
  3. Looking solid for Chicago and Detroit. Enjoy fellas.
  4. DTX giving some insight into the upcoming pattern. Optimistic for winter fans. A quick perusal of recent GEFS/EPS/CMCE runs suggest this may verywell be the beginning of more notable overall winter season patternchange after starting off with such a mild December as a much largerreservoir of polar-arctic air is forecast to become establishedfrom the arctic region on south through much of Canada in the earlyto mid January time frame. While details are elusive at this timeframe to say the least, it does seem unlikely that the very mildDecember pattern will hold through January.
  5. On and off mist in the metro Detroit area. Surprisingly it seemed more like a March day. The gloomy skies, fog and wet roads. Looking forward to a change.
  6. Because significant below normal temperatures and copious amounts of snow ‘never’ happen in February…right?…. that sun angle fellas…. Steals the February winter.
  7. Rapidly increasing sun angle? You’re not a serious hobbyist or poster.
  8. Non operational runs and a couple operational runs are eluding to a possible pattern change mid month.
  9. These air-masses will deeply moderate as we keep progressing into mid spring. Obviously the sun runs the show. Signs the blocking busts out by D10-12. Wait and see.
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