As expected, GEFS and GFS suck and the latest GEFS (mean snowfall) has brought a decent snow back to Illinois. Some duds in the mix as well as crazy totals.
Everytime I see the GFS or other models backing the low west over Lake Michigan it reminds me of mesolows, except we might be dealing with a sub 980 mb low. Oof.
Might be the wrong place for this banter, but lmao at BAM weather so deadset on an easterly track of the storm. I guess we'll know soon enough, just find it funny.
Purely anecdotal too (didn't look into the moving parts), I don't think the Ukie ever really showed an amped solution with GHDIII ever, so nice to see at least a run with that solution during the 0z run.
How's the HRW FV3 model been? I'm assuming not good with winter events? The weenie in me is binning it with other higher resolution models that are shifting North.