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Everything posted by Chicago916

  1. Have a feeling we're about to get "that" NAM run for Chicago. Based on the SREF.
  2. Weenies should take a peak at the latest 15Z SREF for hope. Lots of sub 980 members while in Northern Indiana still lol
  3. I'm not a MET but I have to think the GFS is undoing the precipitation to the west of a rapidly strengthening low?
  4. As expected, GEFS and GFS suck and the latest GEFS (mean snowfall) has brought a decent snow back to Illinois. Some duds in the mix as well as crazy totals.
  5. Everytime I see the GFS or other models backing the low west over Lake Michigan it reminds me of mesolows, except we might be dealing with a sub 980 mb low. Oof.
  6. At hour 54 on the GFS it looks like it's now seeing some stronger energy in NM that looked to be on the GEM and Euro all along.
  7. Not sure if they do them since the pandemic, but with the holiday travel next week, would the NOAA try to add extra aircraft sampling for this storm?
  8. Insane pressure drop on that run. Sheesh. No matter where this thing goes, going to see some dangerous wind-chills on the backside.
  9. When they were riding the GFS the past few days despite 0 continuity was comical too
  10. Might be the wrong place for this banter, but lmao at BAM weather so deadset on an easterly track of the storm. I guess we'll know soon enough, just find it funny.
  11. No rain GIFs after seeing a couple GEFS members showing rain?
  12. Looks like the past consecutive 5 GFS op runs have slowly shifted west towards the Euro...
  13. GEFS showing quite a few cutters that would make everyone happy. Why even pay attention to the OP runs at this range?
  14. If it's any consolation if the Christmas week storm ends up on the east coast, could see a decent lake effect chance on the Chicago side of the lake?
  15. I'll take the 15Z Rap and the Kool-aid it's sipping. Nevertheless, looking more likely that it'll at least thump for a little bit.
  16. Tons of small hail in Avondale with strong winds
  17. Went from nada to heavy pixie dust near the Metro just now.
  18. Purely anecdotal too (didn't look into the moving parts), I don't think the Ukie ever really showed an amped solution with GHDIII ever, so nice to see at least a run with that solution during the 0z run.
  19. Those radar returns entering Cook and Dupage look juicy
  20. I'm near ya too! I'm in Avondale myself.
  21. Someone show the maximum snowfall amount at the end of the HRRR for everyone
  22. late run 18z HRRR joins the rest of the models in this big time
  23. How's the HRW FV3 model been? I'm assuming not good with winter events? The weenie in me is binning it with other higher resolution models that are shifting North.
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