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About Chicago916

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)

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  1. Posting if allowed and if anyone didn't know it was ongoing. But a fun discussion on NOAA from some big names in weather.
  2. Was scrolling through that earlier. Lots of cringe. Quite a few "oldtakesexposed" on Twitter as well.
  3. Patiently waiting for the 18z Euro to load up and for someone to happily or sadly post it...
  4. Feels like the next model run is make or break. Lately that's where model downtrends have started and continued. Fingers crossed.
  5. Yeah I feel that. Just would love to be able to root for something at this point. It does look like we'll stay active through the end of the month with storms traversing our region. Hopefully some pan out!
  6. At least this next potential storm we can all just root for better phasing and negative tilt to benefit us all and possibly screw the Northeast?
  7. Can clearly see developing radar echos on the Illinois side too from LOTs radar. Now we wait to see where the main plume develops and sits!
  8. As an alumnus of UofI and living there many years and not getting much snow, I'm rooting for ya!
  9. Looks like next weekend we get disappointed again. Good trends lately for a more northerly storm as supposed to a Southern Slider, but too far out.
  10. Bullseye in my backyard, lock it in (0z RGEM)
  11. I'm genuinely curious what post storm temperatures would look like in the Chicagoland Metro compared to outlying areas due to a hypothetical snowpack from this scenario.
  12. It's the only way to get double digits in the city these days. The lake taketh, but rarely giveth.
  13. Maybe at least a miss South will lead to some significant lake effect snow in NE IL as seen on in the Euro already and now seen on the Canadian model? Would be a nice consolation prize. Hate to have to rely on that though.
  14. Were the latest European and Canadian ensembles showing an improvement the nudge needed to start this?
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