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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Snow along the edge has been pretty intense the last hour.
  2. Snow is accumulating horizontally on my windows faster than it can slide off. Totally plastered.
  3. Nice. I've actually had a couple of them stay all winter for the first time, but I only see them when it's snowing and other food sources are freshly covered. Still no singing from them, but the titmouses and cardinals are in full spring singing mode. Some good yellow patches on the gold finches were spotted about a week ago.
  4. I'm convinced moss can grow under snow. I have these pretty patches of moss all over the stone walls by the front steps and they're so fresh and bright and lime green right now. I don't remember them being there in the fall. I've had success with stopping voles from girdling my sunflowers to death by wrapping the bottom 8 inches or so of trunk with steel window screen. Easy to cut with scissors and bend: https://a.co/d/hgLy7RN
  5. Ice-in lasted exactly 1 day before the wind broke up the skim ice. Since ice out uses different criteria, it probably won't happen until mid Month (which will still be the earliest ever.)
  6. 56.4 Starting to drop thanks to that clump of clouds. What a great day.... lots of dripping and birds singing. March 24th is my first-peeper prediction. First loon April 3rd.
  7. *drags RAP Smoke link back into bookmarks bar and cracks knuckles*
  8. Boy did this ever end up being accurate. But two years of non-stop aggravation and four failed plants later....
  9. Sitting here at dca and my dad just called to say he will not be picking me up from Mht in 3 hours and now I’m sad.
  10. Something arrived about 90 minutes ago... big jump in density but a pretty lame jump in solar wind speed. Bz was down to -14 for a while and is now pretty choppy. This must be one of the weaker cme's ahead of the main event.
  11. Could be some pretty intense aurora action tomorrow or Friday night. Or it could be underwhelming like roughly every solar storm in the last 20 years.
  12. So many motorcycles and chirping crickets tonight. It's weird.
  13. What an insanely gross look outside. Sun is barely making it through the smoke. No mountains visible today.
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