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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Just enjoyed about 3 minutes of very frequent in-cloud lighting on that line of storms to the north that will not affect me at all. Seems to have fizzled already.
  2. Hrm, I feel a bit stupid because I swear when I first heard about them I thought their range was the entire east coast. But every range map quite clearly indicates I'm extremely wrong. Haha.
  3. Speaking of skunks... has anyone ever actually seen an eastern spotted skunk? They're like the absolutely cutest animal we allegedly have here.
  4. I have vole issues every summer, but this year is so over the top I'm ready to just throw in the towel and plant fake flowers.
  5. This hobby does nothing but add disappointment to my life.
  6. Now that is a nice strike, great find!
  7. Amazing evening in progress. Even saw the first firefly of the season.
  8. It was a little sketchy for a while, but I'm going to mark my family as safe from tonight's pavement wetting event.
  9. I remember the white pine needlecast from a few years ago following a wet year. https://extension.unh.edu/sites/default/files/migrated_unmanaged_files/Resource007498_Rep10836.pdf Sadly it did not kill any of the view obstructing pines near me, just the privacy providing ones.
  10. Pollen emergency declared. Mountains have become almost totally obscured over the last hour.
  11. I guess this is going to be another gray squirrel apocalypse year. Too many to count. They're digging endlessly and wrecking my prepared garden beds. Every single planter barrel has a ring of dirt kicked onto the ground around it. I'm going to have to plant through landscape cloth or they'll just kill everything.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiWG_5941YQ Nice pulse around 10 minutes ago.
  13. Brutal. I've had these convenient and weirdly persistent cloudless areas to my east and overhead all evening, but things have suddenly filled in. Sky looks rather ominous now with little glowing holes in every direction.
  14. Faint but visible rapid undulations of white light directly overhead.
  15. This is the longest it's ever taken to get dark.
  16. Bt of 73.8 is the highest I think I've ever seen reported from the ACE spacecraft. I think 2003 was like 50ish. The potential for tonight is some serious once in a lifetime stuff. You wouldn't get a high KP without a negative bz.
  17. I decided to box up a 6x10' section of my garden and heat it to 40 degrees for last winter. Things didn't go so well. Bougainvillea 'Bengal Orange' - dead Red Abyssinian Banana - dead Blue Java Banana - dead Castor Beans - dead Acalypha - dead Thailand giant elephant ear - dead Gardenia - alive, but defoliated by mites Trachelospermum jasminoides - alive and well No idea what happened. I haven't dug them up yet so maybe I'll find underground rodent damage. Misc: hard to believe that if I had covered the windmill palm for that night of -16 two winters ago, it would have sailed through this winter with ease too.
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