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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Same here. Brutally heavy, too. I cracked a panel in the greenhouse roof trying to get it to slide off.
  2. The condos across the street have a ridiculously steep driveway, and they are constantly throwing down salt/sand so they can get up and out. No luck, it's just covered over instantly. I think they're realizing why nobody else over there stays all winter. Might need to set up a steaming cam to share the entertainment.
  3. Snowing pretty good. About a half inch covering the glaze which is making the driveway even more impossible to walk on.
  4. I wanted to get a moderna booster but CVS refused and insisted I stick with Pfizer. Booster side effects were only slightly less crippling than the second shot. Didn't get the overly brutal headaches or fast heartrate.
  5. Try it once and you'll never want to go back to being cold on the holidays again. Lighted boat parades, lobster trap "trees", mosquito bites. Watching them try to put lights on constantly flailing palm fronds was entertaining.
  6. Hey, the link I have for your cam doesn't work. Did the address change or is it just not online anymore?
  7. They look pretty mad sitting cramped in a small pot. Probably not as mad as the ones that I couldn't fit through the door, though. 3.75" on my deck railing right now.
  8. The deathband is weakening/contracting.... so of course now I'm getting the heaviest snow of the day.
  9. Yellow pixels.... the 2018 I'm-not-touching-you world champion. Never seen this go on for a full 40 frame wunderground loop before.
  10. A little surprised 17/-16 was enough to reach G4 again.
  11. Running out of juice... Bt has dropped all the way down to 7. Shortest event ever? Even the ultra-high speed CME's from 2003 lasted way longer. This was like a solar derecho.
  12. Nice uptick in activity on the Sebec cam, there were some faint pink rays becoming visible before the clouds arrived up there.
  13. Indeed, nice backlit clouds. Based upon radar/satellite/moon, it seems that might be all we get to see. Pretty frustrating, we finally get the arrival timing and solar wind perfect, and then everything else works against us.
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