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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Heavy rain to help make cleanup as difficult as possible.
  2. Looks like a little stationary zone of sleet downwind of the ossipees?
  3. File not found The wind is so damaging it evidently destroyed LCI's anemometer in the last hour. Not sure I've ever seen LCI report .15m visibility before?
  4. Last time it looked this intense outside, Moultonborough enjoyed numerous blowdowns. Traffic is moving along at maybe 10-15mph. 24.3
  5. Pretty wild out there. Wind is howling and I can't even see the lake. 22.8
  6. Temp bottomed out about an hour ago at -3.6 and is ticking up now. Some pretty loud and clear star wars sound effects coming from the ice tonight.
  7. -3.3 for the low. Currently -1.1 My newer VP2 console is reporting a temp of 164 and is scrolling a warning for a dangerously high heat index. Usually it's the older console that does intermittent stuff like this, but it still shows the temp. Also lost wind speed but not direction, and 1 of my extra temp stations. Not a clue what would cause stuff like this... maybe some outside source of radio interference?
  8. For my area, it's because the J1 visa students are largely gone. There were hundreds of them here in 2019, and many worked 2-3 jobs. Because of covid, businesses can't pack 20 of them into a house anymore. They are required to have individual private bedrooms, which is impossible for most employers. Last year was the first time in 18 years that I had to hire local people and it was ungodly stressful and ended in disaster. No good options. High schoolers can't start work until June 20-25ish. College students start leaving August 10-15ish. Adults have basically no interest in a job for only 16 weeks.
  9. Didn't get the Davis until July 05. Just looked up that month... I don't remember it but it looks pretty brutal.
  10. If I can't have extreme heat and dews, I'll settle for extreme cold. I'm just glad we got enough fluffy snow so that I can fully bury my more sensitive plants. I was looking at Feb 2015. What a ridiculously cold month. Imagine if you had just started your bamboo the previous summer? Went above freezing on only 2 days. Only 2 nights had lows above the single digits. 16 nights with lows below zero. Hit -15.3 on 2/24, the second lowest temp in my stations history.
  11. Coldest morning so far @ 7.5 Kind of love the days when the temp keeps dropping until nearly 9am.
  12. Recent timeline of snowblower related events: My dads truck got stuck at the bottom of the driveway while plowing after the 12/17/21 superblizzard. I fired up the snowblower and went down to rescue. Snowblower promptly stalled when pushed into the snow too fast. Angrily used pull cord to restart. Cord broke. Angrily pulled every muscle in my body trying to drag it back up the hill. Used the electric start for the rest of the winter. Discovered when pulling the snowblower out of storage last October for a test run that the electric start stopped working. Spent days trying to fix it and failed, so I Angrily replaced the pull cord. Tried to use the pull cord today but it's almost impossible to pull. Cold and stiff. I'm screwed. Angrily tried the electric start in a fit of desperation and it worked as if nothing was ever wrong. Cheerfully snowblowed todays 4 inches. Suggestions on battery powered snowblowers please.
  13. Sucks. Any plans to get tested? NH still has some free test kits available if you haven't already gotten yours.
  14. You start to wonder if we just never see the sun ever again.
  15. New Years Day: Showers or drizzle likely, mainly before 3pm. The drizzle could be heavy at times.
  16. Nice. Looks pretty intense. This reminds me that my cam has been down since mid May.
  17. Organic milk lasts way longer purely because it's UHT pasteurized so it can sit on the shelf for however long it takes for someone to actually buy it. Wow, you have good luck with peppers from seed? I start bell peppers April 1st and consider it a success if I can pick one by the last week of August. I'd be afraid to try them direct sowed. My tomatoes were a total failure last year. They all suffered a pretty gruesome death from blight in mid July.
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