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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Just left the office after doing some paperwork for the last few hours. Did not expect to come out to a roaring, full-tilt nuclear whiteout. Omg.
  2. Wind died way down about 30 mins ago, so the great blizzard of 2022 is now just starting to cover the pavement.
  3. And to think I was worried this storm was going to cover up all the sand I painstakingly applied to the icy spots on the driveway.
  4. Must be. Three hours of snow but I’m not even sure this qualifies as a trace, lol.
  5. Personal micro deathband of invisible snow continues. Pretty sure it’s sublimating faster than it’s accumulating. Wind is pretty gusty now.
  6. Upslope off the ossipees? Not that anything is actually happening, it’s more like frozen miserymist.
  7. Even if hotels did lower rates to pass along 100% of the savings from not doing things like breakfast or daily housekeeping, it's unlikely you'd even notice. At 15/hr, daily housekeeping on a stayover costs about $3-4. No personal experience with doing breakfast, but I assume it's about the same.
  8. are you trying to get me to smash my new laptop or what I'm trying to make the world a better place, one accurate pond depth report at a time.
  9. Since it's now or never, I made the brutal trek down to the lakefront to replace my anemometer. My anxiety going up on that boathouse roof grows with every year. The ice was rumbling constantly, and there were a couple of big booms that spooked me. I wasn't expecting to be able to feel them so clearly. Anyways, 2mph with gusts to 4.
  10. I was curious, so I just looked at the prices for the dining options at some hotels in Ka'anapali. You can start your meal with some warm hawaiian rolls for $12. Add a side of roasted potatoes for another $12. Generic fish of the day is going for $49. Chocolate cake for dessert is another $14. Add a Mai Tia for $17. I'm stuffing my bread maker into my carry-on bag because I'm not paying $12 for some rolls.
  11. Never thought I'd see Hawaii hotel restaurant prices here.
  12. The gauge on the oil tank dropped like 1/2" last night.
  13. -11.9 -14 for LCI Coldest for here in several years.
  14. Not sure how I never noticed that option there before. I'm evidently more blind than I thought. Thanks. 6.8
  15. Where did you get this nice table from?
  16. -4.4 I wonder if I'll ever see -20 here again.
  17. Skip to 17:44 if the video doesn't start there automatically. This is some of the best thunder I've ever heard. It sounds incredibly similar to the Chelyabinsk meteor from 2013.
  18. 8.5" waterlogged inches. Power went out for a few minutes.
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