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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. I'm a little late but just wanted to add that >70 dews are a gift from the heavens. I mean it's hard to say you're having a decent life if your sunglasses don't fog up when you walk outside.
  2. That last picture... wtf? Hard to imagine a more ridiculous use of small, randomly arranged windows.
  3. LOL holy shit... wind went from zero to omg in about 20 seconds. Lights flickering again. I moved a lot of stuff into the greenhouse today, so if I lose power I'll be kind of annoyed.
  4. Lights just flickered even though the wind is back to nearly calm. Two different power outages show up on the outage map within a couple miles of me. Rather surprising.
  5. Line came through with 45 seconds of heavy rain and a gust to 31mph.
  6. I wouldn't mind a nice damaging storm but will settle for aggravation and disappointment instead.
  7. It's fun to see the reactions the stuff gets. My windmill palm is 12' tall now. Many guests think it's fake or just in a pot set in the ground. Kind of puts me on tilt when people walk by it so they can then take a selfie with some of my lame sunflowers. I remember being a kid on the school bus and noticing my yard would always have BY FAR the most snow. I'd be sledding well into April while daffodils would be blooming in town. My warmup-proof, gently sloped NW facing yard really served me well.
  8. I was able to reduce my gas usage by losing just the right amount of eyesight to make driving doable but terrifying. I think I put more miles on my riding mower than my car the last few years.
  9. Had a nice downpour here but it stayed calm. There is a nice blanket of fog hovering over the ground. 45.1
  10. Getting some air movement now and I'm up to 47. Just saw LCI finally spiked to 58, meaning the warmth is exactly 13,728 feet away. Might take a drive over there.
  11. If you're using Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/quick-javascript-switcher/geddoclleiomckbhadiaipdggiiccfje This extension adds a quick toggle button to the toolbar that disables javascript and lets you read most news sites. You probably won't see images and things won't look pretty, but it gets the job done remarkably well.
  12. Squall Report Card Wind A-, acceptable. Not as constant as the last one, two main surges. Only measured 35mph, but going by loudness and considering I actually heard some branch snaps in the pines, I'm estimating 45mph. Snow A+. Came in as a solid wall. Visibility low enough to fully block even the most obnoxious marina lights across the water. Duration B. Intense portion lasted for >3 radar frames. Nice gradual slowdown, still snowing decently now. Temperature Response Sudden drop from 30 to 24. Comments I dragged my dad outside to enjoy it with me like I used to do when I was a kid. He did not, in fact, enjoy it.
  13. Wow, didn't realize how good the night time video was with a nest cam. Nice. Might be a little jelly that the density of yellow pixels down your way was higher.
  14. I think I liked this squall even more than the last one. It was like the opening scene of The Mist.... just a nice well defined wall of white. 10/10.
  15. Yep... I'm 120 seconds away from getting a good slam with some yellow pixels now. Gonna be great.
  16. Hopefully the southern end of that squall line is just below the radar beam and not actually as lame as it looks.
  17. On my iPad yes. Didn’t even notice you had attached something when viewed on my laptop. 8”
  18. Just the most perfect slow-falling medium sized flakes. Very picturesque.
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