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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. I'd be rageposting if this was February because it's been 100% virga here since 8am.
  2. I'm about to be brutally struck by my 4th surprise squally shower. This next one looks pretty intense.
  3. If we're doing spruce chat, can we have some appreciation for the Norway Spruce? I've always loved their branching structure when they get old and huge. Here's a majestic specimen from downtown Laconia on google maps.
  4. Yeah they'll be ok, should look great next year.
  5. It's the new growth. The sickly color is probably because they were dug after going dormant and stored in an unlit space. They broke dormancy and began to grow in darkness. Decent chance that growth will scorch when the sun hits it.
  6. Pretty sure that was one of Van Gogh's final masterpieces before his death, titled "A bird, probably."
  7. Torrential windswept miserymist. Extremely low quality morning. 1.21" Nice peak rain rate of 2.34"/hr which actually woke me up. Love that sound on the roof.
  8. Wish I hadn't opened this thread. I was blissfully unaware it was steamy everywhere else. Just assumed it was cold and terrible region-wide.
  9. Big X1.4 flare today with excellent CME. Combined with the other 2 enroute CME's, there should be some pretty great auroras behind the clouds the next few nights. Face of the sun reminds me 2001 again. Lot of big active spots.
  10. I'd probably have to buy new buckets... lol. Someone must have left a lot of food in a trashcan somewhere, because over the last few years the squirrels have since gnawed holes in virtually every bucket shaped thing I have. Even a gas can. I don't get it.
  11. Wonder what the thunder from all that would sound like? Nice find.
  12. I don't keep the best records, but I can't think of any other year when my backyard was virtually snow free by March 25th. Kind of wild to compare now to this time in 2008.
  13. Never in my entire gardening career have I suffered more loss to rodents than this year. A nearly 30 foot long section of the wall garden is totally destroyed. Tiger lily bulbs were chopped into bits, hollyhocks gone, echinacea gone, iris, butterfly weed, everything is just gone. The number of perennials I have has creeped up over the years. Definitely starting to remember why I initially did nothing but annuals. The second photo shows a lovely "carpet" of echinacea roots neatly laid out inside of a pathway.
  14. Wtf? Never seen my window corner spiders wake up so early. They like to hide behind my shutters.
  15. I was feeling pretty smug out there strolling around my paved driveway today.
  16. Today was the first day this year where the sun was strong enough to warm up my house a full 2 degrees above the thermostat setting. Also had lots of peter peter from the titmouses.
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