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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Great wind. My anemometer definitely seemed to be undermeasuring all day, but then it recorded one single rogue gust to 52 so idk.
  2. Epic squall. Sky got dark and ominous and the wind roaring was great. Good stuff.
  3. Indoor humidity reached 6% this morning. A few days ago I went to pick up my laptop and got a static shock so brutal that it actually killed it. Screen went black and it no longer turns on.
  4. -6.5 last night Bluebirds are fluffed up.
  5. Indeed. 17k btu propane heater + 2kw of electric heat and circulation fans/accessories. I did spend a LOT of time insulating things and plugging air leaks. Had the propane tanks filled in October and it looks like they will last until the first week of Feb, which is actually a lot longer than I expected. I prefer to brutalize the Chris Stapleton fans. Every time he comes to Meadowbrook for 3 nights I know I'll be flying first class when summer ends. You can charge them literally anything. I need to drive a salt truck down the channel and get things opened back up Reported.
  6. -.3 This is the first year I’ve ever kept my greenhouse running all winter and I have regrets.
  7. I'm here to report that I've acquired a growing flock of bluebirds over the last few days. Now up to 8 birds. Kinda cool to watch them raid the feeders which are in the shade, then fly up to the trees and all sit with their backs facing the sun to warm up. -12.9 last night No warming help from the lake. The lake is very low and the Lakeport dam is discharging (leaking) the minimum possible amount of water, so the entire channel has been frozen for a quite a while now. Even solid ice under the bridge, which I don't think has ever happened before.
  8. I haven't even officially gone below freezing yet. Coldest so far has been 32.6
  9. No flakes but plenty of raindrops on the window. 41.1
  10. I opened this thread and then clicked the back button.
  11. Yesterdays X flare and full halo CME may have come from a terrible location but I think it may be more potent than the G1 noaa is calling for. I'm thinking maybe G3?
  12. 32.7 last night. Frost on the roof but nothing else. Oak trees are turning super early this year and are a very maple-like orange color.
  13. Pretty wild gusts this morning. 42mph with leaves is always exciting.
  14. Yeah that was a nice surge even with 80% cloudcover.
  15. BONKERS Partial corona and best visible red of my entire aurora career.
  16. 723.2 km/sec 10.25 protons/cm3 Bt: 40.10 nT Bz: -38.54 nT Well omg.
  17. With lime. Bt is a bit lower than I was thinking... 30nt is nice but was really hoping for 40-50. Maybe the jittery data is from the other CME's that were swept up ahead of the main show. Ideally things will stabilize as we get a little more into the meat of the cloud.
  18. Finally... a long X-flare from a near perfect location has sent an absolutely fantastic looking halo CME towards us. This one could be corona inducing for sure.
  19. Absolutely the most bonkers real-time lightning video ever. Would proudly shit my pants for the experience. This is like condensing the last 20 years of observed lightning into 1 square mile over 2.5 minutes.
  20. The earth directed part of this one looks quite faint and slow.... I wouldn't expect much of anything.
  21. There is currently some decent lightning low on the horizon off to the north. Was pretty surprised to see the nearest convection was waaaaay the hell up by Pittsburg.
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