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Everything posted by Jmoon

  1. Maybe a 1979 Daytona 500 southeast snowstorm repeat next weekend for us. Hope the good model trends continue for us. Last night's models were a dream case scenario. Still Looking good this morning.
  2. Man who knows what the next model runs are going to look like after yesterday's runs compared to today. High of 31 and low of 12 for me next Monday now 52 and 29. I just hope the artic air does make it to our neck of the woods the end of next week.Dont need true artic air for good snowstorms around here just a little colder than the systems lately but that has been the key all winter and every winter in the southeast. Like we all know it looks like the moisture is a given like it has been all last year this fall and this winter. Maybe we can get a southern trend instead of all winter storms trending north and the cold air leaving moisture arriving moisture leaving cold returning on one of these next possible (4-5ish) storm systems starting with the one this weekend. Were all due a southern trend this winter hopefully. I would love to have a good old fashion half foot of snow for once like the good old days. But those days seem to be very rare to come by anymore. Still hoping even though very dissapointed today after looking at the models but there is always tommorow.
  3. Never Thought I Would Be So Happy With My 1 Inch Of Snow In SW Rutherford County This Winter But It Has Been A Lot Colder This Winter By Far And On (5) Separate Occasions I Have Seen Snow. (3) Times Just Flurries And The Other (2) Times A Half Inch Each Time. So As Many Opportunities As We Have Missed This Year It's Still By Far Way Better Than Last Winter. Just Seen It Snow One Time Last Winter And Way Above Average Temps As A Whole. Looking For More Snow Chances For The Foothills And Hopefully You Guys In SC Can See Some Snow Also. I Feel Your Pain. I'm Just A Little North Of You Guys. I Usually Always End Up With With The Upstate SC Weather Most Of The Time.
  4. I'm very satisfied with my unexpected 1/2 Inch of snow earlier today in sw rutherford county. I know your happy with what you guys got also @strongwxnc @wncsnow with the way our winter has gone so far. Very Interested in what falls from the main storm system later tonight.
  5. @Buddy1987 I bet you don't get out of the upper 30's up your way today. Laying the groundwork is right. Good luck. Hope you can hang on to the snow longer and not changeover.
  6. I Know What You Mean @strongwxnc I'm at 21 this morning just a little south of you. For once could we actually meet winter weather advisory criteria when we're under a winter weather advisory for our area. If we could squeeze out a 1/2 Inch of snow out of this one before changing over to rain I would call it a win for our area with our luck this year. Always hopeful. Hope everybody else can hold on to snow longer before the changeover.
  7. I know. Forecast low of 24 in sw rutherford already down to 26 at the moment. Should bottom out in the low 20's here. You might be around 19 up your way by tomorrow morning if we can keep the clouds away. Good sign for tommorow night hopefully.
  8. @BornAgain13 hopefully this might help continue the southern trend for us. would love for someone to explain if this storm can keep trending south and keep the cold air in place longer for us all. thanks.
  9. If the trends keep moving south the southern foothills might get something meaningful out of this storm hopefully. Keep trending south.
  10. I know what you mean. I'm in danieltown. It's been tough sledding for us in the foothills the last 2 winters since the dec 2018 storm. I had a feeling we would pay for that storm because it was such a good snowstorm for us. Hopefully Things will turn around for us soon. We're sure do a decent snowstorm around here.
  11. @wncsnow your exactly right i'm a little south of you in rutherford county and average 7 inches a snow a winter. I have had a whopping 1 1/2 Inches the last 25 months. I know how you feel as well because your closer to the snow in the mountains than I am. we should have put several 2-4 Inch snows on the board this season with so many storms. If it keeps up raining I will be flooding soon. great talking to you my foothill neighbor. Hopefully we can bring one home before our time runs this winter.
  12. Man we cannot catch a break in the foothills this winter. Hopefully the models trend better for snow this weekend but not looking good with this storm at the moment just like all the other storms this winter. Semi Cold air in place storm comes cold air leaves storms over cold air returns. Over and over all winter. Not giving up hope yet but very discouraging at this point.
  13. Couldn't have said it better my self @85snowline
  14. As we all know living in the southeast everything has to be perfect outside of the mountains for a winter storm for us folks in the foothills piedmont triangle eastern nc upstate sc. I'm in the southern foothills. I hate to say it but it sure looks like it's going to take a miracle to get any snow outside of the mountains this year with our time running out. Things can change on a dime around but man am I feeling such a let down with this winter even though it has been colder than last winter by far. I feel all my fellow snow lovers pain. We only have such a short window for snow outside of the mountains around here. Hopefully things can change for us to have a least a chance in feb. I want to throw in the towel but I just can't yet but I sure want to. I really enjoy everyone's insight on hear. Hopefully someone cashes in with this potential storm.
  15. 32 Moderate Snow Sw Rutherford County
  16. 33 Now With Flurries And Very Light Snow At The Moment With Just Under 1 Inch Of Snow In Danieltown Nc Just South Of Rutherfordton Nc In The Southern Foothills Of Sw Nc.
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