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Everything posted by HornetsHomer91

  1. Buckley on Twitter just shared the WPC one and it’s got basically Nothing for anyone East of 321 lmao
  2. Goodness jumped about 50-75 miles back NW lol
  3. My buddy got Married that Saturday AM in Mooresville but if I remember correct the HRRR starting firing warning shots about being warmer even right along 85 and especially points south around Lunch on Friday I wish I still had the screenshots from that one. We ended up between like 5-6” I believe but we’re forecasted 8-12” lol
  4. Nah, really no need for them to change anything until this afternoon session Jmo that’s 24-30 hrs plenty of time
  5. Let’s just Hope this storm Doesn’t end up being Dennis Smith Jr or Ryan Leaf
  6. Just looks Flatter to me. Just doesn’t look full negative tilt not so much that it’s that much Further South. Jmo
  7. Look at that Wicked Cutoff over here in Iredell ... Statesville/Love Valley 4-6” Meanwhile down here in LKN/Mooresville D-1”
  8. In past ive liked NAM Thermals the best but don’t put attention to much else on it. It seems to handle CAD pretty well or atleast it has in past imo. I’d overlook the high amped Track for now. Use NAM thermals And Blend the Canadian/GFS/EURO to an AVG and I’d say we’re at a reasonable outcome for the time moment Jmo. I’m normally pretty conservative though and still just a hobbyist
  9. Looks like a Classic straddle I-85 N/NW event depicted there
  10. Or my fav..... “Bomb incoming” “BOOM” like ok guy relax lol and can anyone forget “Puking” or “Ripping Fatties” lol
  11. So who’s doing the honors for this weekend if 18Z suite follows ? Lol
  12. Exactly, not to be rude.... but I’d take a 1-2” event and Be ecstatic I didn’t get that last year. And haven’t had anything over 1” since DEC 18 we get a couple good medium range runs and think we’re the Northeast or something lmao
  13. Dude I get it, but why? Why throw that negativity out there right now. Just let them enjoy it. Maybe that’s why this board is cursed is bc all the negativity around here lol
  14. Oh yea that’s awesome , On my old phone I had some screenshots from Feb14 Where the entire State was covered like that for a couple runs straight.
  15. I’m sorry but That Guy is a complete Moron. In my 7yrs of lurking here I don’t think there’s been but maybe 1 storm he’s even been remotely close on lol I’d rather have my German Shepherd draw a Snow map. As BullCity and others have touched on, did we really expect the fantasy storms/Cold to stay locked in for a week straight? Just relax , I’d bet money it ends up somewhere in the middle by Tomm nights runs
  16. It’s like The NC State fans of Weather .... (I’m an Nc State fan I can say this) lol
  17. As disheartening as it is. It’s still hilarious lmao
  18. Hope that doesn’t mean it’s about to get over amped and jet up the Apps by Fridays runs
  19. Snowing for a good minute now in downtown Asheville
  20. I’m in Asheville Until Monday , sadly looks disappointing
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