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Everything posted by HornetsHomer91

  1. Serious question, if you had 3 options A) one 24-30” Storm with temps in teens and blowing snow but afterwards had a 3-5 yr SN Drought B..) One 10-15” Storm and then a 2/3 yr drought c) Consistently 4/5 3-5” events per year but never more than 8” for a decade.
  2. Yes, like Feb 14 the main storm put down 8-10” then the next day that band dumped the rest. I was 12yrs old in Concord still to this day biggest storm of my life. Then Feb 14 I had 11” in Rowan county
  3. Check out Pete from GCITurf on YouTube he’s in Riedsville NC but has a ton of followers and dude has an entire Cool/Warm season “Turf Program” he sends you a Sheet that says what to put out how much and when for an entire year. He uses Liquid products mostly and it does take better than Granular Jmo. He has a custom Seed I wanted to try “Cool Blue Heat” it’s Got Falcon IV Fescue and a Mix of high Quality Bluegrass in it. Also I’d recommend Killing it to Dirt in After Labor Day then Treating the dirt with “Humic Acid” before Planting. It’s just a soil softener allowing for better seed rooting. Also you absolutely have to Areate idc what anyone says on that. The last thing when you seed put down “Milorganite” with the seed. It’s Decomposed natural Fert and won’t burn ..... I just saw you said Spring.... I’d still Areate and just throw some Milo out and it will be fine until Fall just from giving it air from the holes, also don’t mow any less than minimum 3.5” -4” if possible if you have Fescue
  4. Whatever it takes to keep this thing Snowing down in Macon/Jekyll Isle until Tuesday lol
  5. No last Jan I was put out of service for a derailment in Greensboro (Pomona) off Oakland Ave by Coliseum. We get paid “Hit n Run insurance if we’re put out of Service until our case goes before union board 9-12 months later. Covid happened in March last year and step Kids were at Home for School and My now Wife just finished School and we decided it was best for me to stay with them and her work and me find something else to do. I would go back but they were bought out by Hunter Harrison and they’ve sliced 100 jobs or so and shut our “Hump Terminal” (Linwood) down so my seniority went in the tank. I went from having a Cushy Lynchburg Pool job (Mostly 4-6hr days and UPS/FedEx Intermodal trains that have priority Step on In Linwood take it from Atlanta Crew and go to Lynchburg and step off give it to Hagerstown crew) to the extra board where they can call you 24/7 for literally anything. .... so I quit. Now I’m about to finish real estate school lol
  6. Don’t say that. Shhhh “” On Feb 26, 2004 a record 11.6 inches of snow was recorded in Charlotte. This was also the third largest one-day total on record. The storm total at the CharlotteAirport was 13.2 inches, the third biggest storm in city history.“”
  7. If we have 2” on the ground then and only then someone can start the thread
  8. Yea! That one showed model run after Model Run big dogs starting that Sat eve all the way up to game time that Weds night (Feb 14)
  9. Nooooo as I said in Whining thread yesterday I want this one. “ Our Last Bust 2020”
  10. Dang, that doesn’t sound very exciting at all I can’t lie lol ik nothing about anything N of Roanoke/Lynchburg except Manassas VA and that’s only how to get from Terminal to the Hotel from going up there with Norfolk Southern the past 4 years as a Conductor so not like I saw much.
  11. Don’t worry I will be, I’m positive I will move to Mid-Atlantic or somewhere with an avg 35-40” per year and take my Panthers/NC State luck with me and NC will get slapped with Jan 1988 Redux year after year
  12. My goodness that has a Classic NW heartbreaker trend look , I can’t wait to be hyped up all week and feel like this is the one as it trends South and Colder for 3 straight days just to hit Game Day and Watch NAM 3K/HRRR give anyone South Of “Along and N of I-40/VA Border” The middle finger lol
  13. Thanks, that part would be cool but it looks like a sleepy place. I’ve grown up in CLT metro basically my entire life (Concord / Speedway area) now LKN. I’m a city guy lol I moved to Mt Ulla/Salisbury area after my first marriage in 13’ until 18’ I hated it , so rural nothing around. Idk I’m sure it will be a life adjustment if it happens
  14. Does anyone know anything About Harrisonburg VA? I’m possibly moving there or Cumberland MD by end of Summer. Ik it won’t be as difficult to see snow there but Scientifically like here We need so much to have an actual snow event. It’s gotta be as simple as hey it’s Cold.... here comes QPF oh hell welp congrats snow! In that area I’d imagine. Anyway didn’t know if anyone had and scientific support to it
  15. HRRR wanting to put another .1-.2 on Border Counties and Up into VA.... seems a bit excessive
  16. Should we from now on instead of cutting totals in half cut them down to 15% of what’s shown? Just to save ourselves the heartbreak
  17. If it’s still there Feb 26th can we start a Thread? Lol
  18. I shouldve known when I didn’t see you posting ..... not to get excited from now on if I don’t see you or Grit get excited I’m out lol
  19. Maybe this is too far to laugh at these guys up north but come on man.... Idk if it’s worth all that? You stayed in bed all day bc of Model Trends ? Dude you should discover Women, or Alcohol, or Like Anything else in life
  20. Good didn’t they just get like 1’ last month? Those guys cry more than anyone on our board
  21. Saw Matt East Tweeted Salisbury is at 1/4” any Salisbury posters here?
  22. Exactly, I honestly wasn’t “Whining” lmao but yea I agree let’s just go back to using a Wind needle and Compass or hang a flag on top of our house and Get Telegrams from DC every 24hrs
  23. 1/10” here in Mooresville but I think that’s about gonna be it....JOKE
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